Ruby Ward
Agricultural Entrepreneurship Specialist

Contact Information
Office Location: Logan Campus | AGRS 224Phone: 435-797-2323
Educational Background
Extension Specialist Award for Innovative Program, 2013
Extension Specialists Association
Outstanding Extension Group Project, 2011
Western Agricultural Economics Association
Outstanding Extension Group Project, 2006
Western Agriculture Association
Overall Specialist Award, 2006
Extension Specialists Association, Utah State University
Innovative Program Award, 2005
Extension Specialists Association, Utah State University
Outstanding Extension Group Project, 2005
Western Agricultural Association
Outstanding Program, 2005
Iota Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Phi
Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2005
College of Business, Utah State University
Tom Slick Fellowship, 1994
Texas A&M University
Lechner Fellowship, 1992
Texas A&M University
Utah Certified Nurseryman, 1991
Agriculture Division Woman of the Year, 1990
Ricks College
Top Graduate, 1990
Crop and Soil Science Department
- Bailey, D., Ward, R.A, (2016). Economics: Feeding the Forgotten: Agricultural Development for the World's Small-Holder Farmer. The Institute of Self-Reliant Agriculture A Division of Choice Humanitarian
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2023). Anemone Cut Flower Production Budget, One Field, Northern Utah, 2022.
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2023). Ranunculus Cut Flower Production Budget, One Field, Northern Utah, 2022. USU Extension
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2022). Anemone Cut Flower Production Budget, One High Tunnel, Northern Utah, 2022. USU Extension
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2022). Ranunculus Cut Flower Production Budget, One High Tunnel, Northern Utah, 2022. USU Extension
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, R., Black, B.L, Drost, D., (2021). Peony Cut Flower Production Budget, One Field, Northern Utah, 2020. USU Extension
- Curtis, K., Drugova, T., Ward, R.A, (2021). Utah Fresh Produce Grower Preferred Drought Management Strategies . USU Extension
- Curtis, K., Drugova, T., Ward, R.A, (2021). Utah Hay and Forage Grower Preferred Drought Management Strategies . USU Extension
- Curtis, K., Drugova, T., Ward, R.A, (2021). Utah Livestock Producer Preferred Drought Management Strategies . USU Extension
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2020). Snapdragon cut flower budget for one field. USU Extension
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2020). Snapdragon cut flower budget for one high tunnel. USU Extension
- Curtis, K., Salisbury, K., Ward, R.A, Durward, C., (2019). Targeting Farmers’ Markets in Utah: Understanding Fresh Produce Pricing. USU Extension
- Curtis, K., Salisbury, K., Pozo, V., Ward, R.A, Durward, C., (2019). What Determines Produce Pricing in Utah?. USU Extension
- Day, S., Drost, D.T, Ward, R.A, (2015). Red Bell Pepper Enterprise Budget for 1 Acre. Utah Agriculture Statistics *
- Day, S., Drost, D.T, Ward, R.A, (2014). Red Bell Pepper With Shade Enterprise Budget for 1 Acre. Utah Agriculture Statistics *
- Ward, R.A, Teegerstrom, T., Hobbs, J., van der Hoeven, G., (2013). Keepseagle Settlement Payment and Your Form 1099 Information Returns. Rural Tax Education (
- Bennett, J., Ward, R.A, (2010). Depreciation: Alternative Minimum Tax Considerations*. Rural Tax Education
- Bennett, J., Ward, R.A, (2010). Depreciation: Bonus or Additional First-Year Depreciation (AFYD)*. Rural Tax Education
- Bennett, J., Ward, R.A, (2010). Depreciation: Class Life. Rural Tax Education
- Bennett, J., Ward, R.A, (2010). Depreciation: Cost Recovery Methods and Options. Rural Tax Education
- Bennett, J., Ward, R.A, (2010). Depreciation: Election to Expense Qualifying Assets (Section 179 Deduction)*. Rural Tax Education
- Bennett, J., Ward, R.A, (2010). Depreciation: Special Rules on Pciups, SUVs, Other Autos and Listed Property. Rural Tax Education
- Ward, R.A, (2010). Introduction to Agricultural Federal Tax Issues. Rural Tax Education
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Curriculum
- Curtis, K., Ward, R.A, Larsen, R., (2023). Online Course: Evaluating Profitable Agricultural Enterprises. USU Extension
- Curtis, K., Ward, R.A, Larsen, R., (2022). Evaluating Profitable Agricultural Enterprises. USU Extension *
- Curtis, K., Ward, R.A, Stock, M., (2018). Start-to-Farm. USU Extension
- Ward, R.A, Curtis, K., Salisbury, K., (2017). American Indian Agricultural Business Management Curricula. USU Extension
- Ward, R.A, Curtis, K., Salisbury, K., (2016). American Indian Agricultural Money and Business Management Curricula. USU Extension
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Wagner, K.M, Curtis, K., Ward, R., Stock, M., Cultivating Farmers, Connections, and Careers: The Utah Urban and Small Farms Conference Experience. Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR)
- Lewis , M., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2023). Field production methods for season extension of peony ‘Coral Charm’. HortScience, 58:4, 389-394. doi:
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2022). Anemone Cut Flower Timing, Yield, and Quality in a High-Elevation Field and High Tunnel. Horticulturae, 9:1, doi:
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2022). Anemone Cut Flower Timing, Yield, and Quality in a High-Elevation Field and High Tunnel. Horticulturae, 9:1, doi:
- Rauter, S., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2022). Overwintering Improves Ranunculus Cut Flower Production in the US Intermountain West. Horticulturae, 8:12, 1128. doi:
- Drugova, T., Curtis, K., Ward, R.A, (2022). Producer Preferences for Drought Management Strategies in the Arid West. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 37, 14-23.
- Curtis, K., Drugova, T., Knudsen, T., Reeve, J., Ward, R.A, (2020). Is Organic Certification Important to Farmers’ Market Shoppers or Is Eco-friendly Enough?. HortScience, 55:11, 1822-1831.
- Forrest, B.W, Coppock, D.D, Bailey, D., Ward, R.A, (2016). Economic Analysis of Land and Livestock Management Interventions to Improve Resilience of a Pastoral Community in Southern Ethiopia. Journal of African Economies, 25:2, 233-266.
- Curtis, K., Allen, K., Ward, R.A, (2015). Food Consumption, Attitude, and Behavioral Change among CSA Members: A Northern Utah Case Study. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42:2, 3-16.
- Curtis, K., Yeager, I., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Ward, R.A, (2014). Market and Pricing Potential for Extended Season Produce Sales. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 45:2
- Ward, R.A, Teegerstrom, T., Hiller, J., (2013). IRS Tax Rules and Native American Producers: One Size Does Not Fit All. Choices the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association's Outlets for Policy and Management, 28:2, 1-6.
- Curtis, K., Ward, R.A, Allen, K., Slocum, S., (2013). Impacts of Community Supported Agriculture Program Participation on Consumer Food Purchases and Dietary Choice. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 44:1, 42-51.
- Hunter, B., Drost, D.T, Black, B.L, Ward, R.A, (2012). Improving growth and productivity of early-season high tunnel tomatoes with targeted temperture additions. HortScience, 47:5, 733-740.
- Ward, R.A, Wysocki, A., Woods, T., (2011). Agribusiness Extension: The Past, Present, and Future?. International Food and Agribusiness Managment Review, 14:5, 125-140.
- Ward, R.A, Drost, D.T, Whyte, A., (2011). Assessing Profitability of Selected Specialty Crops Grown in High Tunnels. The Journal of Agribusiness, 29:spring 2011, 41-58.
- Ward, R.A, Whyte, A., James, R., (2010). A Tale of Two Bees: Looking at Pollination Fees for Almonds and Sweet Cherries. American Entomologist, 56, 170-177.
- Ward, R., Bailey, D., Jensen, R., (2005). An American BSE Crisis: Has it Affected the Value of Traceability and Country-of-Origin Certifications for US and Canadian Beef?. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 8:2
- Ward, R.A, (2005). An American BSE Crisis: Has it Affected the Value of Traceability and Country-of-origin Certifications for US and Canadian Beef?. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Issue 2, 82
- Ward, R.A, (2005). The Potential Impacts of a Proposed Ban on the Sale of US Horses for Slaughter and Human Consumption. Journal of Agribusiness, Spring, 23
- North, M., Bailey, D., Ward, R.A, (2005). The Potential Impact of a Proposed Ban on the Sale of U.S. Horses for Slaughter and Human Consumption. Journal of Agribusiness
- Heflebower, R., Cerny-Koenig, T., Waters, M., Ward, R.A, (2005). Water-Wise Plant Recognition Program. Journal of Extension
- Ward, R.A, (2004). If You Can't Trust the Farmer, Who Can You Trust? The Effect of Certification Types on Purchases of Organic Produce. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 1 2004, 7
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Consumer Preferences for Public and Private Sector Certifications for Beef Products in the United States and the United Kingdom. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 3 2003, 6
- Ward, R.A, (2000). Strategic Realignment in the Texas Prison System. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, April 2000, 32, 145-58.
Professional Journal
- Erickson, J., Bailey, D., Ward, R.A, Allen, K., (2013). Analysis of the Sustainability of Selected Targeted NGO Interventions for a Representative Small-Scale Farm Family in Ecuador. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2:2013, 291-306.
- Kratsch, H., Ward, R.A, Shao, M., Rupp, L.A, (2010). Educational Needs and Perspectives on the Future of the Green Industry in Utah. HortTechnology20, 740-750.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
- Ward, R.A, Salisbury, K., (2016). The Economic Contribution of Agriculture to the Economy of Utah in 2014. Economic Research Institute Report *
- Ward, R.A, Salisbury, K., (2016). The Economic Impact of Utah State University Sponsored Research Programs on the Utah Economy in Fiscal Year 2015. Economic Research Institute Report *
- Ward, R.A, Salisbury, K., (2015). Manufacturing Extension Partnership of Utah: 2014 Economic Impact Report. Economic Research Institute Report *
- Perry, L., Quinonez, J., Salisbury, K., Ward, R.A, (2015). Potential Economic Impacts for Wayne County ASAP Development Priorities. Economic Research Institute Report *
- Ward, R.A, Grullon, A., Walker, L., (2014). The Economic Impact of Utah State University Sponsored Research Programs on the Utah Economy in Fiscal Year 2013. Economic Research Institute Report *
- Ward, R.A, Slocum, S., (2013). An Exploration of the Economic Contribution of Direct Farm Marketing to the Economy of Utah: 2012. Economic Research Institute Report *
- Ward, R.A, Jakus, P.M, Couliably, L., (2013). The Economic Contribution of Agriculture to the Economy of Utah in 2011. Center for Society, Economy and the Environment Research Report
- Ward, R.A, Jakus, P.M, Slocum, S., Coulibaly, L., Walker, L., (2013). The Economic Impact of Utah State University Sponsored Research Programs on the Utah Economy in Fiscal Year 2012. Economic Research Institute Report *
- Ward, R.A, Kim, M., Jakus, P.M, Feuz, D., (2011). An Economic Analysis of Time Control Grazing in Three Creeks, Rich County, Utah. *
- Ward, R.A, Jakus, P.M, Whyte, A., Walker, L., (2011). The Economic Impact of Utah State University Sponsored Research Programs on the Utah Economy. Economic Research Institute *
- Ward, R.A, Jakus, P.M, Feuz, D., (2010). The Economic Impact of Agriculture on the State of Utah. Economic Research Institute *
- Ward, R.A, (2004). How an American BSE Crisis Has Affected the Value of Traceability and Country of Origin Certifications in the US Beef Industry. ERI Study Paper, April *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Importance of Various Roles and Evaluation Methods of Extension Economists as Viewed by Extension Administrators, Department Heads, and Specialists. ERI Study Paper, September 2003 *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Enterprise Budget: Costs & Returns per Acre From Growing Tomatoes--2003, 2002. Utah Agricultural Statistics *
- Ward, R.A, (2002). If you can't trust the farmer, who can you trust? The effect of certification types on purchases of organic produce. Utah State University, Logan, UT *
- Ward, R.A, (2001). The effects of certification on willingness to pay for organic produce. Utah State University *
Other Reports
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2022). Anemone cut flower budget for one high tunnel. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2022 Annual Report *
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2022). Ranunculus cut flower budget for one high tunnel. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2022 Annual Report *
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2020). Snapdragon cut flower budget for one field. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2020 Annual Report *
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2020). Snapdragon cut flower budget for one high tunnel. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2020 Annual Report *
- Drost, D.T, Ward, R.A, (2019). Enterprise Budgets Red Peppers with Shade. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2019 Annual Report *
- Stock, M., Lewis, M., Ward, R.A, (2019). Peony Cut Flower Budget for One High Tunnel. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2019 Annual Report *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Bailey, D., Ward, R.A, Forrest, B.W, Coppock, D.D, (2014). Can Bush-Clearing, Deferred Grazing, or Camels Help Mitigate Climate-Change Effects for Borana Pastoralists? An Economic Analysis of Potential Interventions.
- Bailey, D., Ward, R.A, (2008). Niche Market Pricing and Strategies for Maintaining Price Premiums: Niche Markets: Assessment and Strategy Development for Agriculture. Western Extension Marketing Committee
Magazine/Trade Publications
- Ward, R.A, (2013). Looking Ahead At Federal Taxes. Idaho Growers and Shippers Associations Annual 2013 Yearbook *
- Ward, R.A, (2013). How Taxes Affect You. Sugar Producer *
- Ward, R.A, Teegerstrom, T., (2015). My Fi Assist. *
- Hunter, B., Ward, R.A, Drost, D.T, (2011). High Tunnel Early Tomato Budget. Utah State University Extension
- Ward, R.A, (2008). Survey of the Green Industry in Utah: A Tool for Focusing Cooperative Extension Programs. Economic Research Institute *
- Ward, R.A, (2005). Agricultural Industry Profile for Cache County Utah. Cache County Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting. Logan, Utah *
- Ward, R.A, (2005). Tax Issues Affecting Farmers and Ranchers 2005. Utah State University in Touch (published as a special insert to the Farm Bureau News) *
- Ward, R.A, (2005). Water-wise Plant Recognition Program. Journal of Extension, February 2005 *
- Ward, R.A, (2004). Costs of installing a Pot-in-Pot Production System for Native Plants-2003. Utah Agricultural Statistics *
- Ward, R.A, (2004). Gallon Native Perennials using a Pot-in-Pot Production System-2003. Utah Agricultural Statistics *
- Ward, R.A, (2004). Growing 3 Gallon Native Plants Using a Pot-in-Pot Production System-2003. Utah Agricultural Statistics *
- Ward, R.A, (2004). Tax Laws and Implications for Cashflows and Financing. Farm Bureau Newsletter *
- Ward, R.A, (2004). BSE Information for Consumers. USU Extension Committee on BSE *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Uncle Sam Says Purchase a New Tractor. Farm Bureau Newsletter *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Evaluating Beverage Choices. Consumer Decision Making Contest, Utah 4-H Contests. Utah State University Extension, Logan, Utah *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Harwood Farm's Sweet Corn. Western Profiles of Innovative Agricultural Marketing, Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1325 *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Moose Droppings for Sale at Southridge's Farm. Western Extension Marketing Committee Fact Sheet. WEMC FS#8-04 *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Price insurance program for feeder cattle soon to be available in Utah. Utah Beef Quarterly *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Why should I choose your garden center? Or, why stop at your shop?. Trunkline. Utah Nursery and Landscape Association *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Price Insurance Program for Feeder Cattle Soon to be Available in Utah. Utah Beef Quarterly and Utah State University Extension *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Lighting Costs: Incandescent vs. Fluorescent Lighting in Brooder. Research Project. Utah State University Extension. AG/Poultry/Economics *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). The 2003 Outlook for Vegetables, Fruit, and the Green Industry. Farm Bureau Newsletter *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). New Depreciation Rules for 2003. Utah State University Extension Econ/tax *
- Ward, R.A, (2003). Why Should I Choose Your Garden Center? Or, Why Stop at Your Shop?. Trunkline. Utah Nursery and Landscape Association *
- Ward, R.A, (2002). 'Enterprise Budget: Costs & Returns Per Acre From Growing Tomatoes-2003.'. Utah Agricultural Statistics *
- Ward, R.A, (2002). 'Outlook for Forages and Feed Grains.'. Utah Farm Bureau Magazine *
- Ward, R.A, (2000). 'Harward Farms: A Case Study in Direct Marketing.'. Department of Economics, Utah State University, Logan, Utah *
- Ward, R.A, (2000). 'Southridge Farms: A Case Study in Direct Marketing.'. Department of Economics, Utah State Univeristy, Logan, Utah *
- Ward, R.A, (2000). 'Enterprise Budgets: Hen Turkeys, 7500 Poults.'. Utah Ag. Statistics. *
- Ward, R.A, (1998). 'An Analysis of the N.C. Department of Corrections' Farming Operations (Phase II).'. The Center for Urban Affairs and Community Services *
- Ward, R.A, (1998). 'An Analysis of the N. C. Department of Corrections' Farming Operations (Phase I).'. The Center for Urban Affairs and Community Services. Pub # R-247; Series #98-097-01 *
- Ward, R.A, (1998). 'The 1997 IrrigationSuspension Program for the Edwards Aquifer: Evaluation and Alternative.'. Texas Water Resource Institute, Technical Report No. 178, Texas A&M University *
- Ward, R.A, (1996). 'Progress Report-Texas Department of Criminal Justice Linear Programming Project.'. Unpublished confidential report, Texas A&M University, Department of Economics, College Station *
- Ward, R.A, (1996). 'Progress Report-Texas Department of Criminal Justice Linear Programming Project.'. Unpublished confidential report, Texas A&M University, Department of Economics, College Station *
- Ward, R.A, (1996). 'Progress Report- Texas Department of Criminal Justice Linear Programming Project.'. Unpublished confidential report, Texas A&M University, Department of Economics, College Station *
- Ward, R.A, (1992). 'Feasibilty of a Sheep Dairy in Utah.'. Utah Department of Agriculture *
- Ward, R.A, (1992). 'Feasibilty of a Sheep Dairy in Utah.'. North American Sheep Dairy Association Conference Symposium. *
- Ward, R.A, (1992). 'Farm Flock Sheep Budget.'. Utah Ag. Statistics, Utah Department of Agriculture *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.