Jordan Smith
Environment and Society Dept
Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Specialist

Educational Background
Dr. Jordan W. Smith serves as Director of the Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism at Utah State University, where he oversees initiatives that bolster Utah’s economy by helping communities and agencies navigate the complex tradeoffs involved in outdoor recreation and tourism development. Under his leadership, the Utah Outdoor Recreation Strategic Plan and the Gateway and Natural Amenity Region Initiative have equipped underserved communities throughout the Intermountain West with critical tools for sustainable economic growth.
An interdisciplinary scholar, Dr. Smith integrates econometric modeling, geospatial analytics, and social-ecological frameworks to address pressing natural resource challenges. His research examines how environmental changes and shifting population dynamics affect common-pool resources, including outdoor recreation opportunities and naturally dark skies—elements that are fundamental to Utah’s quality of life and economic vitality. Through groundbreaking studies on monitoring and managing outdoor recreation across the West, his work underscores the importance of balancing environmental stewardship with economic growth.
A champion of collaboration and innovation, Dr. Smith has spearheaded projects such as the Basecamp Conference and Workshop, uniting stakeholders to develop creative solutions for outdoor recreation management. Through these efforts, he exemplifies Utah State University’s commitment to fostering innovation, cultivating talent, and strengthening the state’s position as a national leader in sustainable development and economic competitiveness.
Teaching Interests
Research Interests
Dr. Smith applies advanced analytical methods to study the impacts of environmental and demographic changes on shared resources vital to the Western US's quality of life and economy.
Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research (DISCCRS) VII Symposium Scholar, 2012
National Science Foundation
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) Network National Office Fellowship recipient, 2010
U.S. Department of the Interior
Annual Congress Travel Assistance Scholarship recipient, 2009
National Recreation and Park Association
Doctoral Student of the Year, 2009
Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
Hofmann Fellowship recipient, 2008
NC State University College of Natural Resources
ISSRM Travel Scholarship recipient, 2008
Utah State University
Lucille and Derby Dustin Future Scholar Award recipient, 2007
National Recreation and Park Association
NEPA Certificate Scholarship recipient, 2007
Shipley Group
- Powell, J., Rumore, D., Smith, J., Vaugeois, N., (2022). The GNAR Initiative: Empowering gateway communities through collaboration: Innovative and promising practices in sustainable tourism (volume 2)Innovative and promising practices in sustainable tourism (volume 2). VIUf Publications
- Smith, J., (2018). Effects of climate change on outdoor recreation [Chapter 10]: Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in the Intermountain Region. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Wilkins, E.J, Van Berkel, D., Zhang, H., Dorning, M.A, Beck, S.M, Smith, J., (2022). Promises and pitfalls of using computer vision to make inferences about landscape preferences: Evidence from an urban-proximate park system. Landscape and Urban Planning, 219, 104315.
- Miller, A., Winter, P.L, Sanchez, J.J, Peterson, D., Smith, J., (2022). Climate change and recreation in the western United States: Effects and opportunities for adaptation. Journal of Forestry, 120:4, 453-472. doi:
- Wilkins, E.J, Chikamoto, Y., Miller, A.B, Smith, J., (2021). Climate change and the demand for recreational ecosystem services on public lands in the continental United States. Global Environmental Change, 70, 102365.
- Wilkins, E.J, Akbar, H., Saley, T., Hager, R., Elkin, C.M, Belmont, P., Flint, C., Smith, J., (2021). Climate change and Utah ski resorts: Impacts, perceptions, and adaptation strategies. Mountain Research and Development, 41:3, R12-R23.
- Smith, J., Miller, A., Lamborn, C., Spernbauer, B., Creany, N., Richards, J.C, Meyer, C., Nesbitt, J., Rempel, W., Wilkins, E.J, Miller, Z., Freimund, W., Monz, C., (2021). Motivations and spatial behavior of OHV recreationists: A case-study from central Utah (USA). Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 36, 100426.
- Smart, L.S, Vukomanovic, J., Taillie, P.J, Singh, K.K, Smith, J., (2021). Quantifying drivers of coastal forest carbon decline highlights opportunities for targeted human interventions. Land, 10:7, 752.
- Larsen, L.N, Howe, P., Brunson, M.W, Yocom, L., McAvoy, D., Berry, E.H, Smith, J., (2021). Risk perceptions and mitigation behaviors of residents following a near-miss wildfire. Landscape and Urban Planning, 207, 104005. doi: https//
- Zhang, H., Van Berkel, D., Howe, P., Miller, Z., Smith, J., (2021). Using social media to measure and map visitation to public lands in Utah. Applied Geography, 128, 102389.
- Smith, J., Wilkins, E.J, Miller, A., (2021). Bears Ears National Monument and outdoor recreation in San Juan County, Utah. Society and Natural Resources, 34:7, 966-979.
- Wilkins, E., Howe, P., Smith, J., (2021). Social media reveal ecoregional variation in how weather influences visitor behavior in U.S. National Park Service units. Scientific Reports, 11, 2403.
- Wilkins, E.J, Wood, S.A, Smith, J., (2021). Uses and limitations of social media to inform visitor use management in parks and protected areas: A systematic review. Environmental Management, 67, 120-132.
- Smart, L.S, Taillie, P.J, Poulter, B., Vukomanovic, J., Singh, K.K, Swenson, J.J, Mitasova, H., Smith, J., R.K, (2020). Aboveground carbon loss associated with the spread of ghost forests and sea level rise. Environmental Research Letters, 15:10, 104028.
- Sanchez, G.M, Terando, A., Smith, J., Garcia, A.M, Wagner, C., Meentemeyer, R., (2020). Forecasting water demand in a rapidly urbanizing megaregion. Science of the Total Environment, 730, 139050.
- Wilkins, E.J, Smith, J., Keane, R., (2020). Social media communication preferences of national park visitors. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19:1, 4-18.
- Brice, E.M, Miller, B.A, Zhang, H., Goldstein, K., Zimmer, S., Grosklos, G., Belmont, P., Flint, C., Givens, J., Adler, P., Brunson, M.W, Smith, J., (2020). Impacts of climate change on the management of multiple uses of BLM land in the Intermountain West (USA). Ecosphere, 11:11, e03286. doi:
- McCreary, A., Seekamp, E., Larson, L., Smith, J., Davenport, M.A, (2020). Climate change and nature-based tourism: How do different types of visitors respond?. Tourism Planning & Development
- Hestetune, A., Jakus, P.M, Monz, C., Smith, J., (2020). Climate change and angling behavior on the North Shore of Lake Superior (USA). Fisheries Research, 231, 105717. doi:
- McCreary, A., Seekamp, E., Davenport, M., Smith, J., (2020). Exploring qualitative applications of social media data for place-based assessments in destination planning. Current Issues in Tourism, 23:1, 82-98.
- Bitsura-Meszaros, K., Seekamp, E., Davenport, M., Smith, J., (2019). A PGIS-based climate change risk assessment process for outdoor recreation and tourism dependent communities. Sustainability, 11:12, 3300.
- Smith, J., Wilkins, E.J, Leung, Y., (2019). Attendance trends threaten future operations of America’s state park systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116:26, 12775-12780.
- Lamborn, C.C, Smith, J.W, (2019). Human perceptions of, and adaptations to, shifting runoff cycles: A case study of the Yellowstone River (Montana, USA). Fisheries Research216, 96-108.
- Lamborn, C.C, Smith, J., (2019). Human perceptions of, and adaptations to, shifting runoff cycles: A case-study of the Yellowstone River (Montana, USA). Fisheries Research, 216, 96-108.
- Matney, J.A, Slocumb, W.S, Smith, J., Bonsall, P., Supak, S.K, (2019). Implementation and evaluation of a geospatial management solution for the U.S. National Park Service's Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 37:2, 132-143.
- Koch, J., Dorning, M.A, van Berkel, D.B, Beck, S.M, Sanchez, G.M, Shashidharan, A., Smart, L.S, Zhang, Q., Smith, J., Meentemeyer, R.K, (2019). Modeling landowner interactions and development patterns at the urban fringe. Landscape and Urban Planning, 182, 101-113.
- McCreary, A., Seekamp, E., Larson, L.R, Smith, J., Davenport, M.A, (2019). Predictors of visitors’ climate-related coping behaviors in a nature-based tourism destination. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 26, 23-33.
- KC, B., Morais, D.B, Peterson, M.N, Seekamp, E., Smith, J., (2019). Social network analysis of wildlife tourism microentrepreneurial network. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 19:2, 158-169.
- Sausser, B., Monz, C., Dorsch, T., Smith, J., (2019). The formation of state offices of outdoor recreation and an analysis of their ability to partner with federal land management agencies. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 27, 100232.
- K.C., B., Morais, D.B, Smith, J., Peterson, N.N, Seekamp, E., (2019). Using social network analysis to understand trust, reciprocity, and togetherness in wildlife tourism microentrepreneurship. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 43:8, 1176-1198.
- Dupéy, L.N, Smith, J., (2018). An integrative review of empirical research on perceptions and behaviors related to prescribed burning and wildfire in the United States. Environmental Management, 61:6, 1002-1018.
- Li, J., Burroughs, K., Halim, M.F, Penbrooke, T.L, Seekamp, E., Smith, J., (2018). Assessing soundscape preferences and the impact of specific sounds on outdoor recreation activities using qualitative data analysis and immersive virtual environment technology. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 24, 66-73.
- KC, B., Morais, D.B, Seekamp, E., Smith, J., Peterson, M.N, (2018). Bonding and bridging forms of social capital in wildlife tourism microentrepreneurship: An application of social network analysis. Sustainability, 10:2, 315.
- Smith, J., Wilkins, E.J, Gayle, R., Lamborn, C.C, (2018). Climate and visitation to Utah's ‘Mighty 5’ national parks. Tourism Geographies, 20:2, 250-272.
- Smith, J., Emily , W.E, Gayle, R., Lamborn, C.C, (2018). Climate and visitation to Utah’s “Mighty 5” national parks. Tourism Geographies , 20, 250-272.
- Nazariadli, S., Morais, D.B, Barbieri, C., Smith, J., (2018). Does perception of authenticity attract visitors to agricultural settings?. Tourism Recreation Research, 43:1, 91-104.
- Smith, J., Brownlee, M.T, Seekamp, E., (2018). Introduction to the special issue on climate change and outdoor recreation: Shifting supply and demand. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 36:2, ix-xii.
- Jones, G.J, Edwards, M.B, Bocarro, J.N, Bunds, K.S, Smith, J., (2018). Leveraging community sport organizations to promote community capacity: Strategic outcomes, challenges, and theoretical considerations. Sport Management Review, 21:3, 279-292.
- Hestetune, A., McCreary, A., Holmberg, K., Wilson, B., Seekamp, E., Davenport, M.A, Smith, J., (2018). Research note: Climate change and the demand for summer tourism on Minnesota's North Shore. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 24, 21-25.
- McCreary, A., Fatorić, S., Seekamp, E., Smith, J., Kanazawa, M., Davenport, M.A, (2018). The influences of place meanings and risk perceptions on visitors’ willingness to pay for climate change adaptation planning in a nature-based tourism destination. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 36:2, 121-140.
- Zhang, H., Smith, J., (2018). Weather and air quality drive the winter use of Utah’s Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons. Sustainability, 10:10, 3582.
- Baran, P.K, Tabrizian, P., Zhai, Y., Smith, J., Floyd, M.F, (2018). An exploratory study of perceived safety in a neighborhood park using immersive virtual environments. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 35, 72-81.
- Jones, G.J, Edwards, M.B, Bocarro, J.N, Bunds, K.S, Smith, J., (2017). A structural perspective of cross-sector partnerships involving youth sport nonprofit organizations. European Sport Management Quarterly, 18:2, 133-155.
- Smith, J., Smart, L.S, Dorning, M.A, Dupéy, L.N, Méley, A., Meentemeyer, R.K, (2017). Bayesian methods to estimate urban growth potential. Landscape and Urban Planning, 163, 1-16.
- Jones, G.J, Edwards, M., Bocarro, J.N, Bunds, K.S, Smith, J., (2017). Collaborative advantages: The role of interorganizational partnerships for youth sport nonprofit organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 31:2, 148-160.
- Guo, T., Smith, J., Moore, R.L, Schultz, C.L, (2017). Integrating off-site visitor education into landscape conservation and management: An examination of timing of educational messaging and compliance with low-impact hiking recommendations. Landscape and Urban Planning, 164, 25-36.
- Smith, J., Dorning, M., Shoemaker, D.A, Méley, A., Dupéy, L.N, Meentemeyer, R.K, (2017). Payments for carbon sequestration to alleviate development pressure in a rapidly urbanizing region. Forest Science, 63:3, 270-282.
- Smith, J., Siderelis, C., (2017). Temporal trends in the operating inefficiencies of U.S. state park systems. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 18, 105-112.
- Lamborn, C.C, Smith, J., Burr, S.W, (2017). User fees displace low-income outdoor recreationists. Landscape and Urban Planning, 167, 165-176.
- Lamborn, C., Smith, J.W, Burr, S., (2017). User fees displace low-income outdoor recreationists . Landscape and Urban Planning, 167, 165-176.
- Jones, G.J, Edwards, M.B, Bocarro, J.N, Bunds, K.S, Smith, J., (2017). An integrative review of sport-based youth development literature. Sport in Society, 20:1, 161-179.
- Jones, G.J, Edwards, M.B, Bocarro, J.N, Smith, J., Bunds, K.S, (2016). A structural analysis of how youth sport non-profit organizations utilize multi-sector partnerships to build organizational capacity. European Sport Management Quarterly
- Hunt, L.M, Fenichel, E.P, Fulton, D.C, Mendelsohn, R.K, Smith, J., Tunney, T.D, Lynch, A.J, Paukert, C.P, Whitney, J.E, (2016). Identifying alternate pathways for climate change to impact inland recreational fishers. Fisheries, 41:7, 362-372.
- van Zanten, B.T, van Berkel, D.B, Meentemeyer, R.K, Smith, J., Tieskens, K.F, Verburg, P.H, (2016). Continental-scale quantification of landscape values using social media data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113:46, 12974-12979.
- Smith, J., Bitsura-Meszaros, K., Seekamp, E., McCreary, A., Burroughs, K., (2016). Political ideologies and the objective measurement of climate-related risks to coastal resources. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 20:5, 409-422.
- Smith, H.M, Smith, J., Silka, L., Lindenfeld, L., Gilbert, C., (2016). Media and policy in a complex adaptive system: Insights from wind energy legislation in the United States. Energy Research \& Social Science, 19, 53-60.
- Smith, J., Seekamp, E., McCreary, A., Davenport, M., Kanazawa, M., Holmberg, K., Wilson, B., Nieber, J., (2016). Shifting demand for winter outdoor recreation along the North Shore of Lake Superior under variable rates of climate change: A finite-mixture modeling approach. Ecological Economics, 123, 1-13.
- Leung, Y.-, Smith, J., Seekamp, E., Conlon, K., Mayer, J.E, Guo, T., Walden-Schreiner, C., Adams, B., Keane, R., (2016). The effects of 2D and 3D imagery and an educational message on perceptions of trail impacts. Natural Areas Journal, 36:1, 88-93.
- Dorning, M.A, Smith, J., Shoemaker, D.A, Meentemeyer, R.K, (2015). Changing decisions in a changing landscape: How might forest owners in an urbanizing region respond to emerging bioenergy markets?. Land Use Policy, 49, 1-10.
- Bitsura-Meszaros, K., McCreary, A., Smith, J., Seekamp, E., Davenport, M.A, Nieber, J., Wilson, B., Anderson, D.H, Messer, C., Kanazawa, M., (2015). Building coastal climate readiness along the north shore of Lake Superior. Michigan Journal of Sustainability, 3, 111-119.
- Smith, J., Bitsura-Meszaros, K., Keane, R., (2015). Differences between conservatives and liberals in information-seeking behavior and perceived risks associated with climate-driven changes to local forest conditions. Weather, Climate, and Society, 8:1, 43-55.
- Keane, R., Smith, J., (2015). Information presentation of coastal morphological change: Potential implications for perceptions of climate change impacts. Coastal Management, 43:6, 651-667.
- Guo, T., Smith, J., Leung, Y.-, Seekamp, E., Moore, R.L, (2015). Determinants of responsible hiking behavior: Results from a stated choice experiment. Environmental Management, 56:3, 765-776.
- Smith, J., (2015). Immersive virtual environment technology to supplement environmental perception, preference and behavior research: A review with applications. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12:9, 11486-11505.
- Smith, J., Slocumb, W.S, Smith, C., Matney, J., (2015). A needs-assessment process for designing geospatial data management systems within federal agencies. Journal of Map \& Geography Libraries, 11:2, 226-244.
- Smith, J., Leung, Y.-, Seekamp, E., Walden-Schreiner, C., Miller, A.B, (2015). Projected impacts to the production of outdoor recreation opportunities across US state park systems due to the adoption of a domestic climate change mitigation policy. Environmental Science and Policy, 48, 77-88.
- Perry-Hill, R., Smith, J., Reimer, A., Mase, A.S, Mullendore, N., Mulvaney, K.K, Prokopy, L.S, (2015). The influence of basic beliefs and object-specific attitudes on behavioural intentions towards a rare and little-known amphibian. Wildlife Research, 41:4, 287-299.
- Smith, J., Leung, Y., (2014). 2014 outlook and analysis letter: A report prepared for the National Association of State Park Directors. NC State University *
- Smith, J., Pijanowski, B.C, (2014). Human and policy dimensions of soundscape ecology. Global Environmental Change, 28, 63-74.
- Sotomayor, S., Barbieri, C., Wilhelm Stanis, S., Aguilar, F.X, Smith, J., (2014). Motivations for recreating on farmlands, private forests, and state or national parks. Environmental Management, 54:1, 138-150.
- Smith, J., (2013). Adaptive participation in forest planning contingent on a hypothetical large-scale forest disturbance. Forest Science, 59:6, 637-648.
- Smith, J., (2013). Information networks in amenity transition communities: A comparative case study. Human Ecology, 41:6, 885-903.
- Smith, J., Moore, R.L, (2013). Social-psychological factors influencing recreation demand: Evidence from two recreational rivers. Environment and Behavior, 45:7, 821-850.
- Siderelis, C., Smith, J., (2013). Ecological settings and state economies as factor inputs in the provision of outdoor recreation. Environmental Management, 52:3, 699-711.
- Smith, J., Moore, R.L, Sommerville, M., (2013). Non-sovereign visitor satisfaction: a case study of military training on the Appalachian Trail. Managing Leisure, 18:3, 239-251.
- Smith, J., Floyd, M.F, (2013). The urban growth machine, central place theory and access to open space. City, Culture and Society, 4:2, 87-98.
- Smith, J., Anderson, D.H, Davenport, M.A, Leahy, J.E, (2013). Community benefits from managed resource areas. Journal of Leisure Research, 45:2, 192-213.
- Smith, J., Leahy, J.E, Anderson, D.H, Davenport, M.A, (2013). Community/agency trust and public involvement in resource planning. Society \& Natural Resources, 26:4, 452-471.
- Smith, J., Leahy, J.E, Anderson, D.H, Davenport, M.A, (2013). Community/agency trust: A measurement instrument. Society \& Natural Resources, 26:4, 472-477.
- Smith, J., (2012). Barriers and bridges to U.S. Forest Service—Community relationships: Results from two pilot tests of a rapid social capital assessment protocol. Forests, 3:4, 1157-1179.
- Smith, J., Anderson, D.H, Moore, R.L, (2012). Social capital, place meanings, and perceived resilience to climate change. Rural Sociology, 77:3, 380-407.
- Smith, J., Moore, R.L, Anderson, D.H, Siderelis, C., (2012). Community resilience in southern Appalachia: A theoretical framework and three case studies. Human Ecology, 40:3, 341-353.
- Siderelis, C., Moore, R.L, Leung, Y.-, Smith, J., (2012). A nationwide production analysis of state park attendance in the United States. Journal of Environmental Management, 99, 18-26.
- Smith, J., Siderelis, C., Moore, R.L, Anderson, D.H, (2012). The effects of place meanings and social capital on desired forest management outcomes: A stated preference experiment. Landscape and Urban Planning, 106:2, 207-218.
- Smith, J., Burr, S.W, (2011). Environmental attitudes and desired social-psychological benefits of off-highway vehicle users. Forests, 2:4, 875-893.
- Smith, J., Davenport, M.A, Anderson, D.H, Leahy, J.E, (2011). Place meanings and desired management outcomes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 101:4, 359-370.
- Smith, J., Moore, R.L, (2011). Perceptions of community benefits from two wild and scenic rivers. Environmental Management, 47:5, 814-827.
- Smith, J., Siderelis, C., Moore, R.L, (2010). The effects of place attachment, hypothetical site modifications and use levels on recreation behavior. Journal of Leisure Research, 42:4, 621-640.
- Smith, J., Burr, S.W, Reiter, D.K, (2010). Specialization among off-highway vehicle owners and its relationship to environmental worldviews and motivations. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 28:2, 57-73.
- Smith, J., (2009). An ethnographic autobiography of a short-term study abroad experience. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 24:1, 50-64.
- Jordan, D.J, Smith, J., Cox, A., Thompson, T., Jeon, J., Palacios, I., Patterson, A., Peel, J., Henderson, K.A, (2009). An exploration of the meanings of parks in Oklahoma. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 27:2, 17-32.
- Henderson, K.A, Patterson, A., Palacios, I., Jeon, J., Peel, J., Cox, A., Smith, J., Thompson, T., (2009). The tie that binds? A case study of student perceptions of their recreation-related majors. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 24:1, 21-37.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
- Smith, J., Wilkins, E.J, (2021). Bears Ears National Monument and outdoor recreation in San Juan County, Utah. Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research *
- Smith, J., Zhang, H., (2021). Measuring and mapping visitation to public lands in Utah with social media. Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research *
- Brice, E., Miller, B.A, Zhang, H., Goldstein, K., Zimmer, S., Grosklos, G., Belmont, P., Flint, C., Givens, J., Brunson, M.W, Adler, P., Smith, J., (2020). Impacts of climate change on the management of multiple uses of BLM land in the IMW. Hydroshare *
- Sanchez, G.M, Terando, A., Smith, J., Garcia, A.M, Wagner, C.R, Meentemeyer, R.K, (2020). Land-use and water demand projections (2012 to 2065) under different scenarios of environmental change for North Carolina, South Carolina, and coastal Georgia. U. S. Geological Survey
- Wilkins, E.J, Smith, J., (2020). Weather & summer spatial behavior of U. S. National Park Visitors (Flickr data 2006 – 2018). Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research *
- Smith, J., Leung, Y.-, (2019). Select metrics describing the operations of America’s state park systems. Utah State University *
- Keane, R.B, Smith, J., (2019). Social media use and preferences of visitors to Crater Lake National Park: Data from a 2014 on-site survey. Utah State University *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
- Smith, J., (2023). UtahRaptor State Park: 2022-2023 visitor experience survey results. Utah State University *
- Smith, J., (2023). Characteristics of anglers and angling preferences in Utah: Results from the 2021-2022 Utah angler survey. Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Utah State University *
- Smith, J., (2023). Outdoor recreation use of the Central Wasatch: Results from the 2021-2022 visitor use survey. Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Utah State University *
- Smith, J., (2023). Recreationists and nearby residents’ perceptions of water quality at Utah Lake. Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Utah State University *
- Smith, J., (2023). Red Emerald Resilience Training Program: Preparing Utah’s tourism industry for a post-pandemic world. Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Utah State University *
- Smith, J., (2020). Social impacts of expanded ski resort operations on Forest Service lands. Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Utah State University *
Other Reports
- Smith, J., (2019). Aesthetic characteristics of the Front Range: An analysis of viewsheds provided by Boulder OSMP lands. Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Utah State University *
- Smith, J., Powell, J., (2024). Utah Outdoor Recreation Strategic Plan. *
- Leung, Y.-, Cheung, S.-, Smith, J., (2022). Statistical report of state park operations: 2019-2020 – Annual Information Exchange for the Period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University *
- Leung, Y.-, Cheung, S.-, Smith, J., (2021). Statistical report of state park operations: 2018-2019 – Annual Information Exchange for the Period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University *
- Smith, J., (2020). The state of outdoor recreation in Utah 2020: A high-level review of the data & trends that define outdoor recreation in the state.
- Smith, J., (2020). 2019 Outlook and analysis letter: The vital statistics of America’s State Park systems. *
- Dupéy, L.N, Smith, J., (2019). Close but no cigar: How a near-miss wildfire event influences the risk perceptions and mitigation behaviors of residents who experienced a recent, nearby wildfire.. Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism *
- Leung, Y.-, Cheung, S.-, Smith, J., (2019). Statistical report of state park operations: 2017-2018 – Annual Information Exchange for the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University *
- Leung, Y.-, Walden-Schreiner, C., Miller, A., Smith, J., (2018). Statistical report of state park operations: 2016-2017 – Annual Information Exchange for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University *
- Matney, J.A, Slocumb, W.S, Smith, J., Hipp, A.J, Smith, C.T, Vatsavai, R., (2017). Needs assessment and guidance to define a clear vision for a geospatial mapping system to service the needs and opportunities of the National Park Service Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Branch and related programs. Center for Geospatial Analytics, NC State University *
- Leung, Y.-, Smith, J., Miller, A., (2017). Statistical report of state park operations: 2015-2016 – Annual Information Exchange for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University *
- Smith, J., (2017). USU Extension grant – final report: Hydrologic conditions and demand for river recreation in the North Fork of the Virgin River Wilderness Study Area. Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Utah State University *
- Leung, Y.-, Smith, J., Miller, A., (2016). Statistical report of state park operations: 2014-2015 – Annual Information Exchange for the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University *
- Smith, J., Leung, Y.-, (2015). 2015 outlook and analysis letter: A report prepared for the National Association of State Park Directors. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University *
- Leung, Y.-, Smith, J., Miller, A., (2015). Statistical report of state park operations: 2013-2014 – Annual Information Exchange for the period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University *
- Smith, J., Slocumb, W.S, Smith, C.T, (2014). Needs assessment and guidance to define a clear vision for a geospatial mapping system to service the needs and opportunities of the National Park Service Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Branch and related programs. Center for Geospatial Analytics, NC State University *
- Leung, Y.-, Smith, J., Miller, A., Serenari, C., (2014). Statistical report of state park operations: 2012-2013 – Annual Information Exchange for the period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University *
- Burr, S.W, Smith, J., Reiter, D., Jakus, P.M, Keith, J., (2009). Recreational off-highway vehicle use on public lands in Utah. Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism *
- Smith, J., (2009). Southeastern pilot test of rapid assessment protocol for assessing social capital in National Forest associated communitiesSoutheastern pilot test of rapid assessment protocol for assessing social capital in National Forest associated communities. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University *
- Smith, J., (2006). Design recommendations guide for built elements within the Santa Clara River Reserve. US Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, St. George Field Office *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Smith, J., (2020). Gateway Communities and the Impacts of COVID-19. CONVERGE, HNERI *
- Smith, J., (2011). Adapting to changing environmental conditions: Mixed-methods analyses of how social capital and place-based social-psychological dependencies influence climate change resilience in Southern Appalachia. North Carolina State University *
- Smith, J., (2008). Utah off-highway vehicle owners’ specialization and its relationship to environmental attitudes and motivations. Utah State University
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.