Marion (Mair) Murray
Biology Dept
IPM Specialist | Professional Practice Extension Associate Professor
Contact Information
Office Location: Logan Campus | BNR 129GPhone: (435) 797-0776
Additional Information:
Communication Award - Fact Sheet National Finalist (one of 3), 2022
National Association of County Agricultural Agents
Communication Award - Book, National Finalist (one of 3), 2021
National Association of County Agricultural Agents
Communication Award - Newsletter, National Finalist (one of 3), 2021
National Association of County Agricultural Agents
Distinguished Service Award, 2016
Utah Community Forest Council and Utah Chapter of ISA
Innovative Program Award, 2012
USU Specialists Association
Early Career Award, 2011
Epsilon Sigma Phi IOTA Chapter
Extension New Specialst Award, 2010
USU Exension Specialists Association
WEDA Honorable Mention Utah Pests Program, 2009
Vice President's Award of Excellence - Team Award, 2007
Publications | Books
- Murray, M., (2023). Utah Vegetable Production Guide 2023. USU Extension *
- Murray, M., Nischwitz, C., (2022). Abiotic Disorders of Tomato. Utah State University *
- Murray, M., (2021). Utah Vegetable Production and Pest Management Guide. Utah State University Extension *
- Murray, M., (2023). Intermountain Tree Fruit Production Guide. Utah State University Extension *
- Murray, M., (2022). Intermountain Tree Fruit Production Guide. Utah State University Extension *
- Murray, M., (2022). Pests of Hemp in Utah. Utah State University Extension *
- D'Souza, N., Murray, M., Spears, L., (2021). Invasive species handbook: a resource for educators. *
- Murray, M., (2021). Intermountain Tree Fruit Production Guide. USU Extension *
- Wagner, K.M, Olsen, S.H, Drost, D.T, Alston, D.G, Murray, M., Hunter, B., (2014). A guide to common organic gardening questions. USU Extension
- Murray, M., (2014). Birds and Bats for Alternative Pest Management: A Guide to Common Organic Gardening Questions.
- Murray, M., (2014). Organic Fruit Pest Control: A Guide to Organic Gardening Questions.
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Murray, M., (2022). The Backyard Garden - Bean Pests. USU Extension *
- Murray, M., (2022). The Backyard Garden - Pea Pests. USU Extension *
- Murray, M., (2022). Occurrence of Vegetable Diseases in Utah. USU Extension *
- Murray, M., (2021). Powdery Mildews on Vegetables. Utah State University Extension
- Murray, M., (2021). Corn Smut. USU Extension Fact Sheet PLP-027-21
- Murray, M., (2021). Powdery Mildew of Utah Vegetables. USU Extension
- Mull, A., Spears, L., Murray, M., Ramirez, R., (2022). Integrated pest and pollinator management.
- Murray, M., (2021). Sycamore Scale. Utah State University Extension
- Murray, M., (2021). What is Biochar and How is it Used?. Utah State University Extension *
- Murray, M., (2021). Sycamore Scale. USU Extension
- Murray, M., (2021). Fire Blight in Utah: An Annual Management Plan. USU Extension
- Murray, M., Alston, D.G, (2019). Peach Twig Borer Mating Disruption.
- Murray, M., Alston, D.G, (2019). Peach Twig Borer in Utah Orchards (update). *
- Spears, L., Alston, D.G, Murray, M., (2018). Brown marmorated stink bug management for fruits and vegetables in Utah. Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
- Alston, D.G, Murray, M., Barnhill, J.V, (2015). Walnut Husk Fly [Rhagoletis completa (Cresson)]. Utah State University Extension
- Beddes, T., Murray, M., Caron, M.S, (2013). Flatheaded Borers: Pacific Flatheaded Borer and Flatheaded Appletree Borer.
- Alston, D.G, Murray, M., Reding, M.E, (2011). San Jose scale. Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory *
- Nischwitz, C., Murray, M., (2011). Thousand Cankers Disease of Walnut (Geosmithia morbida). USU Extension
- Murray, M., Alston, D.G, (2011). The backyard orchardist - fruit pests: apple. Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory *
- Murray, M., Alston, D.G, (2011). The backyard orchardist - fruit pests: peach and nectarine. Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory *
- Murray, M., Alston, D.G, (2011). The backyard orchardist - fruit pests: plum. Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Curriculum
- Black, B.L, Roper, T.R, Heflebower, R.F, Pace, M., Worwood, D.R, Murray, M., (2011). Growing Fruit Trees: Utah State University Master Gardener Manual. USU Extension *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Johnson, P.G, Van Dyke, A., Hodgson, E., Murray, M., Kopp, K., (2012). Interest, Incentives, and Education Towards Organic Golf Course Management: A Study of Utah Golf Course Superintendents.. Applied Turfgrass Science, doi: 10.1094/ATS-2012-0320-01-TT
In-House Journal
- Volesky, N., Murray, M., (2022). Demonstration Farm Provides Educational Opportunity for IPM. Outcomes and Impact Quarterly
- Volesky, N., Murray, M., (2022). Helping Utah Landowners Reduce Pesticide Use through a Statewide IPM Program. Outcomes and Impact Quarterly
Professional Journal
- Looney, C., Murray, M., (2022). Collections of Epiblema rudei Powell, 1975 (Tortricidae) in Utah. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society
- Murray, M., (2021). Biochar Effects on Tomato and Melon Productivity and Phytophthora Crown Rot. Journal of the National Association of County Agriculture Agents, 14:1
- Murray, M., (2011). Thousand Cankers Disease is Widespread on Black Walnut in the Western U.S. Plant Management Network
Public or Trade Journal
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
Other Media
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
- Murray, M., (2009). Analysis of Codling Moth Mating Disruption Dispensers in a High-Elevation Northern Utah Apple Orchard. Final Report to the Utah State Horticultural Association and Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (USDA Specialty Crop. *
- Murray, M., (2008). Codling Moth Monitoring in Mating Disrupted Apple Orchards: Development of Trap Thresholds and Prediction of Fruit Injury.. Final Report to the Utah State Horticultural Association and Utah Department of Agriculture and Food *
Other Reports
- Murray, M., (2023). Sudden Oak Death and Ramorum Blight. Utah State University
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Murray, M., Alston, D.G, (2014). Peach Twig Borer Mating Disruption. *
- Alston, D.G, Murray, M., Nischwitz, C., (2012). Utah Home Orchard Pest Management Guide. USU Cooperative Extension *
- Beddes, T., Murray, M., Kuhns, M.R, Goodspeed, J., (2011). Walnuts in the home orchard. USU Extension
- Murray, M., (2023). Utah Pests News - Cover Crops for Plant and Soil Health. Utah Pests News *
- Murray, M., (2023). Red Firebug. Utah State University *
- Murray, M., (2023). Integrated Pest and Pollinator Management. Utah State University *
- Murray, M., (2023). Locust Borer. Utah State University *
- Murray, M., (2023). Poplar Borer. Utah State University *
- Murray, M., (2023). Poplar Bud Gall Mite. Utah State University *
- Murray, M., (2023). Boxelder Leafroller. Utah State University *
- Murray, M., (2023). Utah Pests News - Beyond Antibiotics - Testing Fire Blight Treatments. Utah Pests News *
- Murray, M., (2023). Utah Pests News - Beyond Antibiotics - Plant a Pest-Free Parking Strip. Utah Pests News *
- Murray, M., (2022). Utah Pests News - Summer is Wasp Season. Utah Pests News *
- Murray, M., (2022). The Boom of Microbial Biopesticides. Utah Pests News *
- Murray, M., (2022). Utah Pests News - Hints for Healthy Houseplants. Utah Pests News *
- Murray, M., (2021). Utah Pests News - 2021 Master Gardener Scout Program. Utah Pests News, USU Extension *
- Alston, D.G, Murray, M., (2016). Utah orchard leafroller survey. Utah Pests News, Utah State University Extension
- Murray, M., Alston, D.G, (2015). What does a warm, dry winter mean for insect populations?. Utah Pests News, Utah State University Extension
- Murray, M., (2021). Squash Bug IPM. USU Extension Infographic *
- Murray, M., (2021). The Backyard Garden: Leafy Greens Pests. USU Extension Fact Sheet IPM-024-21 *
- Murray, M., (2021). The Backyard Garden: Tomato Pests. USU Extension Fact Sheet IPM-023-21 *
- Murray, M., (2021). Vegetable Diseases of Utah. USU Extension Infographic *
- Murray, M., (2021). What Is Biochar and How Is It Used?. USU Extension Fact Sheet IPM-025-21 *
- Murray, M., Alston, D.G, (2020). Codling Moth in Utah Orchards (update). Utah State University Extension Fact Sheet *
- Murray, M., Alston, D.G, (2020). Codling Moth Mating Disruption (update). Utah State University Extension Fact Sheet *
- Murray, M., (2009). Raspbery horntail (Hartigia cressonii). *
- Murray, M., (2009). Community-Wide Grasshopper Control. USU Extension Fact Sheet *
- Murray, M., (2008). Soft Scales in Utah Landscapes. Extension Fact Sheet *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.