Darren McAvoy
Wildland Resources Dept
Forestry and Wildland Resources Specialist

Contact Information
Office Location: Logan CampusPhone: 435-797-0560
Email: darren.mcavoy@usu.edu
Additional Information:
Society of American Foresters; Wasatch Front Chapter; Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals
Prior to joining USU Forestry Extension in 1999, Darren was a consulting forester in Sandpoint, Idaho for seven years. He was also a prescribed fire Ignition Boss. Darren is a former Flathead Hotshot firefighter and veteran of the 1988 Yellowstone fires.
Teaching Interests
I do not have a teaching appointment.
Research Interests
Biomass utilization; biochar production and application, Cross Laminated Timber promotion, wildland fire understanding.
ANREP Education Materials Silver Award for Utah Forest Webcast Series , 2010
Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals
ANREP Education Materials Silver Award for DVD Considering a Timber Harvest, 2009
Utah Forest Stewardship Award, 2009
Communications Award, 2008
Gold Award: Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP), 2006
Silver Award: Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, 2002
Outstanding Achievement Award: The Missing Fires, 2001
Silver Award: Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, 2001
Publications | Abstracts
- Mathews, J., Sun, Y., Harris, P., Kopp, K., McAvoy, D., Price, S., St. Hilaire, R., (2022). Determining sap yield, sugar contents, and mineral composition of boxelder and Norway maples. HortScience 57(9): S4 (Abstr.)
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
- Daniels, B., McAvoy, D., Kuhns, M.R, (2010). Timber Sale Contracts: In: Nichols Cyclopedia of Legal Forms, Vol. 5E, Logs, Trees and Lumber. Thomson Reuters *
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Goff, J., Anderson, D.T, McAvoy, D., (2023). Landscaping in the Utah Wildland-Urban Interface. *
- Alston, D.G, Davis, R., McAvoy, D., Spears, L., Malesky, D., Hebertson, L., (2018). Balsam Woolly Adelgid: Advanced Fact Sheet. Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory and Utah State University Extension
- Alston, D.G, Davis, R., McAvoy, D., Spears, L., Malesky, D., Hebertson, L., (2018). Balsam Woolly Adelgid: Basic Fact Sheet. Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory and Utah State University Extension
- McAvoy, D., Kuhns, M.R, Black, J., (2004). Utah forest types: An introduction to Utah Forests. USU Extension Forest Facts
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Curriculum
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Mathews, J., Sun, Y., Harris, P., Dai, X., Price, S., McAvoy, D., Farrell, M., Kopp, K., (2024). Sap yield and sugar content of boxelder and Norway maple trees in northern Utah. HortTechnology, 34:1, 52-59. doi: 10.21273/horttech05304-23
- Hunter, B., Cardon, G., Olsen, S.H, Alston, D.G, McAvoy, D., (2017). Preliminary screening of the effect of biochar properties and soil incorporation rate on lettuce growth to guide research and educate the public through extension. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 9:1, 1-4.
Professional Journal
- McAvoy, D., DeRose, J., Yocom, L., Stand composition and development stage affect fuel characteristics of quaking aspen forests in UT, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research
- Nelson, R., McAvoy, D., (2013). Exploring solutions to pinyon and juniper expansion and densification through Biomass Field Days.. Journal of National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 6:1
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
- Kuhns, M.R, McAvoy, D., (2012). 2012 Restoring the West Archive Website. USU Forestry Extension
- Kuhns, M.R, McAvoy, D., (2011). 2011 Restoring the West Archive Website. USU Forestry Extension
- Kuhns, M.R, McAvoy, D., (2011). Extension Forestry Website, Revision and Usage. *
- Kuhns, M.R, McAvoy, D., (2011). New Extension Forestry Website.
- Kuhns, M.R, Allred, R., McAvoy, D., (2010). 2010 Restoring the West Website. USU Forestry Extension
Other Media
- McAvoy, D., (2009). Restoring the West Conference Archives. Restoring the West Web site *
- McAvoy, D., (2009). Utah Forest Webcasts. USU Forestry Extension Web site *
- McAvoy, D., (2008). Considering a Timber Harvest on Your Family Forest DVD. DVD *
- McAvoy, D., (2007). Managing Aspen in Western Landscapes Web Page. Extension.usu.edu/forestry *
- McAvoy, D., (2007). Restoring the West Conference 2006 Web Site. usu.extension.edu/forestry *
- McAvoy, D., (2007). The Missing Fires. DVD *
- McAvoy, D., (2007). Restoring the West 2007: Sagebrush Steppe Restoration Web Site. usu.extension.edu/forestry *
- McAvoy, D., (2005). 2005 Education for Professional Loggers: Forest Road Building and Maintenance. usu *
- McAvoy, D., (2005). Fourth Biennial Forest Taxation and Estate Planning Workshop. usu.extension.edu/forestry *
- McAvoy, D., (2000). The Missing Fires Video (22 minutes). *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
- McAvoy, D., Veblen, K.E, Van Miegroet, H., Ryel, R.J, Duncan, B., Stickney, S., (2014). Monitoring effects of PJ harvest and utilization, Final Report to USFS. *
Other Reports
- McAvoy, D., , (2024). Mobile biochar production by flame carbonization: Reducing wildfire risk and improving forest resilience. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- McAvoy, D., Biochar is ready for prime time: Ground-truthed decision trees for land managers. R.
- McAvoy, D., Maple tapping in Utah.
- Rogers, P.C, Gale, J.A, McAvoy, D., (2021). WAA #4-v2- PANDO'S LESSONS: RESTORATION OF GIANT ASPEN CLONE. Western Aspen Alliance *
- McAvoy, D., Messmer, T.A, Olsen, S.H, (2012). Utah State University Extension--forestry, small acreage, and wildlife: Conservation programs for private lands. USU Extension
- Barbara, D., McAvoy, D., Kuhns, M.R, Gropp, R., (2004). Managing forests for water quality: Forest roads. Utah Forest Facts
- Daniels, B., McAvoy, D., Kuhns, M.R, Gropp, R., (2004). Managing forests for water quality: Stream crossings. Utah Forest Facts
- Daniels, B., McAvoy, D., Kuhns, M.R, Gropp, R., (2004). Managing forests for water quality: Streamside management zones. Utah Forest Facts
- McAvoy, D., (2009). Fire article. Logan Herald Journal *
- McAvoy, D., (2009). Utah Forest News. *
- McAvoy, D., (2008). Utah Forest News. Newsletter *
- McAvoy, D., (2008). The Pinyon Tree poster. Poster *
- McAvoy, D., (2007). Forest Grazing: Managing Your Land for Trees, Forage and Livestock. Utah Forest Facts *
- McAvoy, D., (2007). Utah Forest News. Newsletter *
- McAvoy, D., (2006). Common Weeds of Utah Forests. Fact Sheet *
- McAvoy, D., (2006). Utah Forest News. Newsletter *
- McAvoy, D., (2006). Association of Fire Ecology. Conference Poster *
- McAvoy, D., (2006). Managing Forests for Water Quality: Forest Roads. Fact Sheet *
- McAvoy, D., (2006). Managing Forests for Water Quality: Stream Crossings. Fact Sheet *
- McAvoy, D., (2006). Managing Forests for Water Quality: Streamside Management Zones. Fact Sheet *
- McAvoy, D., (2005). Preparing a Timber Sale Contract. Fact Sheet *
- McAvoy, D., (2005). Utah Forest News. *
- McAvoy, D., (2004). Utah Forest News. *
- McAvoy, D., (2004). An Introduction to Utah Forests. Fact Sheet *
- McAvoy, D., (2003). Forest Water Quality Guidelines Technical Manual. *
- McAvoy, D., (2003). Utah Forest News. *
- McAvoy, D., (2002). Utah's Forest Water Quality Guidelines, A Practical User's Guide for Landowners, Loggers, and Resource Managers. *
- McAvoy, D., (2002). Utah Forest News. *
- McAvoy, D., (2001). Utah Forest News. *
- McAvoy, D., (2000). Utah Forest News. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.