Darren McAvoy

Wildland Resources Dept

Forestry and Wildland Resources Specialist

Darren McAvoy

Contact Information

Office Location: Logan Campus
Phone: 435-797-0560
Email: darren.mcavoy@usu.edu
Additional Information:


Society of American Foresters; Wasatch Front Chapter; Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals


Prior to joining USU Forestry Extension in 1999, Darren was a consulting forester in Sandpoint, Idaho for seven years. He was also a prescribed fire Ignition Boss. Darren is a former Flathead Hotshot firefighter and veteran of the 1988 Yellowstone fires.

Teaching Interests

I do not have a teaching appointment.

Research Interests

Biomass utilization; biochar production and application, Cross Laminated Timber promotion, wildland fire understanding.


ANREP Education Materials Silver Award for Utah Forest Webcast Series , 2010

Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

ANREP Education Materials Silver Award for DVD Considering a Timber Harvest, 2009

Utah Forest Stewardship Award, 2009

Communications Award, 2008

Gold Award: Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP), 2006

Silver Award: Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, 2002

Outstanding Achievement Award: The Missing Fires, 2001

Silver Award: Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, 2001

Publications | Abstracts

  • Mathews, J., Sun, Y., Harris, P., Kopp, K., McAvoy, D., Price, S., St. Hilaire, R., (2022). Determining sap yield, sugar contents, and mineral composition of boxelder and Norway maples. HortScience 57(9): S4 (Abstr.)

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Daniels, B., McAvoy, D., Kuhns, M.R, (2010). Timber Sale Contracts: In: Nichols Cyclopedia of Legal Forms, Vol. 5E, Logs, Trees and Lumber. Thomson Reuters *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Fact Sheets

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Curriculum

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Journal Articles

    Academic Journal

    Professional Journal

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | MultiMedia



      Other Media

      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

      Publications | Technical Reports

      Research Reports

      • McAvoy, D., Veblen, K.E, Van Miegroet, H., Ryel, R.J, Duncan, B., Stickney, S., (2014). Monitoring effects of PJ harvest and utilization, Final Report to USFS. *

      Other Reports

      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

      Publications | Other




        An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


        Forest Landowner Education Program, 1996 - Ongoing
        Forest Landowner Education Program, 1996 - Ongoing
        Center for Agronomic and Woody Biomass, 2011 - 2014
        Forestry Extension, 2010 - 2011
        Civil Rights, 2007 - 2007