Brian Higginbotham
Utah State University Extension
Professor, Associate Vice President for Extension

Educational Background
Strong Human Services Award, 2023
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services
Excellence in Extension Award, Western Region Winner, 2013
Association of Public and Land Grant Universities
Young Alumni Distinguished Service Award, 2013
Brigham Young University Alumni Association
Marketing/Public Relations Award, 2013
Utah Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science
Florence Hall Award (Western Region), 2012
Utah Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science
Human Development/Family Relationships (Team Award Western Region), 2012
Utah Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science
Million Dollar Researcher, 2012
Office of Research and Graduate Studies, USU
Strong Human Services Award, 2012
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services
Florence Hall Award (Utah), 2012
Utah Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science
Human Development/Family Relationships (Team Award - Utah), 2012
Utah Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science
Young Alumni Achievement Award. Auburn University, 2011
Auburn University
Western Extension Director’s Award of Excellence - Honorable Mention, 2011
Extension Western Region Program Leaders
Chapter Distinguished Team Recognition, 2011
Iota Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi Extension Honor Society
Extension Specialist of the Year, 2011
USU Extension
Florence Hall Award, 2011
Utah Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
University Faculty Researcher of the Year (Robins Award), 2010
Utah State University
Researcher of the Year , 2010
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services - Utah State University
Program of Distinction, 2010
Nationa 4-H Headquarters
Early Achievement Award, 2009
National Awards Committee at the National Extension Family Life Specialists' Conference - San Francisco, CA
Researcher of the Year , 2009
Department of Family, Consumer, and Human Development - USU
Innovative Program Award, 2009
Utah State University Extension Specialists Assocation
APEX Grand Award, 2007
Communications Concepts, Inc.
Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year 2006-2007, 2007
College of Education and Human Services - USU
National Publication Award: Silver Award, 2007
Taggard Ballard Extension Award of Excellence, 2007
Family Strengthening Award from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2006
Program of Distinction. National 4-H Headquarters, 2006
Publications | Abstracts
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Books
- Higginbotham, B., (2011). Addition of Family Members Through Marriage. In M. J. Craft-Rosenberg (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Family Health, Sage
- Higginbotham, B., (2023). Identifying predictors of first versus subsequent divorce among divorcing parents: Conjugal trajectories: Relationship beginnings, change, and dissolutions. Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research. Emerald Publishing Limited
- Higginbotham, B., Goodey, S., Relationship and marriage education for stepfamilies: Evidence-Based Approaches to Relationship and Marriage Education. Routledge
- Higginbotham, B., Goodey, S., Relationship and Marriage Education for Stepfamilies: Evidence Based Approaches to Relationship and Marriage Education . Routledge *
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Higginbotham, B., (2013). Building strong parenting partnerships. National Resource Center for Healthy Marriage and Families
- Higginbotham, B., (2012). What is healthy marriage education and why it matters. (#030). National Resource Center for Healthy Marriage and Families
- Vaterlaus, M., Higginbotham, B., (2011). Qualitative Program Evaluation Methods. Utah State University
- Vaterlaus, M., Higginbotham, B., (2011). Writing Survey Questions for Local Program Evaluations. Utah State University
- Vaterlaus, M., Higginbotham, B., (2011). Planning a program evaluation: An introduction for county agents. Utah State University
- Skogrand, L., Arrington, R., Higginbotham, B., (2008). Controlando el Estres en Familias Ensambladas.. FR/Marriage/2007-03sp
- Skogrand, L., Arrington, R., Higginbotham, B., (2008). Managing Stress in Stepfamilies. FR/Marriage/2007-03pr *
- Skogrand, L., Arrington, R., Higginbotham, B., (2008). Desarrollando Fortalezas en la Familia Ensamblada. FR/Marriage/2007-04sp
- Skogrand, L., Arrington, R., Higginbotham, B., (2008). Developing Strengths in Stepfamilies.. FR/Marriage/2007-04pr *
- Allgood, S., Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L., (2007). Estrategias tiles para Tratar con Ex Parejas en un Segundo Matrimonio. FR/Marriage/2007-02sp.
- Allgood, S.M, Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L.M, (2007). Helpful Strategies to Deal with Ex-partners in Remarriages.
- Allgood, S., Higginbotham, B., Crook, R., Skogrand, L., (2007). Creando Rituales en Familias Ensambladas.. FR/Marriage/2007-01sp.
- Allgood, S.M, Higginbotham, B., Crook, R., Skogrand, L.M, (2007). Creating Rituals in Stepfamilies. Utah State University Extension
- Higginbotham, B., Henderson, K., Riggs, K., (2007). 4-H Mentoring: Youth and families with promise. Utah State University Extension *
- Higginbotham, B., Henderson, K., Skogrand, L.M, (2006). Marital transitions and the sandwich generation: The implications of divorce and remarriage. Utah State University Extension
- Skogrand, L.M, Henderson, K., Higginbotham, B., (2006). Sandwich generation. USU Family Resources FR/Marriage/2006-01pr
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Curriculum
- Adler-Baeder, F., Higginbotham, B., Schramm, D., Paulk, A., (2011). Utah Marriage Handbook.
- Adler-Baeder, F., Higginbotham, B., Schramm, D., Paulk, A., (2006). The Alabama Marriage Handbook: Keys to a Healthy Marriage. AES Publication #HE-0829
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Higginbotham, B., Turner, J., Duncan, S., Schramm, D., (2023). Time allocation changes for family life Extension educators: The impact of COVID-19. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 11:3, doi:
- Higginbotham, B., Turner, J., Duncan, S., Schramm, D., (2023). Lessons from the field. A day in the life of a full-time family life educator. Family Relations, 72:3, 1368–1378. doi:
- Adler-Baeder, F., Higginbotham, B., (2020). Efforts to design, implement, and evaluate community‐based education for stepfamilies: Current knowledge and future directions.. Family Relations, 69:1, 559-576. doi:
- Turner, J.J, Higginbotham, B., Bradford, K.P, Schramm, D., (2025). Brief Divorce Education Programming and Co-parenting Intentions. Family Transitions, 1-20. doi:
- Spuhler, B.K, Bradford, K.P, Novak, J.R, Higginbotham, B., (2025). “The way I loved you”: The effects of prior relationship satisfaction, need-for-change and divorce status on individually-oriented relationship education outcomes. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 1-23. doi:
- Turner, J.J, Higginbotham, B., Bradford, K.P, Schramm, D., Reaching American Indian parents through online divorce education. Journal of Family Studies
- Higginbotham, B., Turner, J.J, Hawkins, A., Bradford, K.P, (2024). The state of Relationship Education in Utah. Marriage and Family Review, 1-32. doi:
- Javakhishvili, M., Turner, J.J, Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2024). External locus of control and psychological distress among incarcerated fathers: Testing bidirectional longitudinal effects. Current Psychology, 43, 30789-30793. doi:
- Crapo, J.S, Turner, J.J, Higginbotham, B., Bradford, K.P, (2024). The effects of resolution method of child custody and support plans on parental well-being during the divorce process: Implications from and for divorce education. Family Court Review, 62:3, 474-492. doi:
- Turner, J.J, Higginbotham, B., Bradford, K.P, Schramm, D., Divorce education and African American parents. Journal of Child and Family Studies, doi:
- Higginbotham, B., (2024). Marital adjustment in remarriage: A systematic review. Family Transitions, doi:
- Javakhisvili, M., Turner, J.J, Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2024). Child contact, partner conflict, and psychological distress among incarcerated fathers: Testing the mediating role of perceived social support. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, doi:
- Higginbotham, B., Turner, J.J, Schramm, D., H., (2024). The state of divorce education in the United States. Journal of Family Strengths, 23:2, Article 3. doi:
- Bradford, K.P, Turner, J.J, Crapo, J.S, Higginbotham, B., (2024). How do I work this? A mixed-methods evaluation of relationship education for High School youth. Family Relations, 73:1, 340–358. doi: DOI: 10.1111/fare.12916
- Kopystynska, O., Crapo, J.S, Bradford, K., Higginbotham, B., (2023). Using the Vulnerability-Stress-Adaptation framework to predict remarital instability. Marriage and Family Review, 59:4, 298-325. doi:
- Bradford, K.P, Miller, J.A, Higginbotham, B., (2023). ‘Good love, bad love’: A latent class analysis of adolescent romantic relationship cognitions. . Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 22, 324-343. doi: 10.1080/15332691.2022.2149651
- Jikihara, Y., Nozawa, S., Ando, S., Higginbotham, B., Schramm, D., Adler-Baeder, F., Exploring the factor structure and concurrent validity of two stepfamily measures for Japanese couples . Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, doi:
- Crapo, J.S, Bradford, K.P, Kopystynska, O., Spuhler, B., Higginbotham, B., (2023). “No, it’s you:” Dyadic Perceived need for change predicts relationship education outcomes. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 49:4, 802-824. doi:
- Crapo, J.S, Turner, J., Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2023). An actor-partner interdependence model of parenting difficulties over time in stepfamilies. Family Process, 62:2, 653–670. doi:
- Turner, J.J, Stapley, S., Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2023). Fatherhood education with Latino fathers: A mixed-method evaluation. . Journal of Latinos and Education, 22:2, 842-854. doi: 10.1080/15348431.2020.1843464
- Turner, J., Crapo, J.S, Kopystynska, O., Higginbotham, B., Bradford, K.P, (2023). Economic distress and perceptions of sexual intimacy among remarried couples. Frontiers in Psychology: Gender, Sex, and Sexualities, 13, doi:
- Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., Whiteman, S., (2022). Impact of positive and negative socioemotional behaviors on remarital instability. Journal of Family Issues, 43:12, 3194-3217. doi:
- Kopystynska, O., Mueller, J., Bradford, K.P, Chandler, A.B, Foran, H.M, Higginbotham, B., (2022). The influence of interparental conflict and violence on parenting and parent-child relationships. Personal Relationships, 29:3, 488– 523. doi:
- Turner, J.J, Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., Juhasz, E., (2022). Couple relationship education: Before and after COVID-19. The Family Journal, 30:4, 596–604. doi: DOI: 10.1177/10664807221104126
- Crapo, J.S, Turner, J., Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2022). The impacts of postdivorce cohabitation and relationship duration on the early marital climate of remarriages. . The Family Journal, 30:3, 307-315. doi:
- Turner, J.J, Higginbotham, B., Bradford, K.P, (2022). Fatherhood education during the pandemic. Outcomes and Impact Quarterly, 2:2, Article 5. doi:
- Spuhler, B., Esplin, J., Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2022). Parenting education for low-income job seekers: A mixed-methods analysis of the Parenting with Love and Logic program. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension , 10:1, doi:
- Turner, J., Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2022). Addressing determinants of paternal subjective well-being through fatherhood education. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 30:1, 87-110. doi: 10.1177/10608265211035788
- Turner, J., Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., Coppin, A., (2021). Examining the outcomes of the InsideOut Dad fatherhood education program for incarcerated minority fathers. The Family Journal, 29:3, 305-315. doi: 10.1177/1066480720978541
- Crapo, J.S, Kopystynska, O., Turner, J.J, Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2021). Financial stress and perceptions of spousal behavior over time in remarriages. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 42:2, 300-313. doi: 10.1007/s10834-020-09697-6
- Turner, J., Kopystynska, O., Bradford, K.P, Schramm, D., Higginbotham, B., (2021). Predicting parenting and stepparenting difficulties among newly remarried parents.. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 62:7, 511-531. doi:
- Turner, J., Kopystynska, O., Bradford, K.P, Schramm, D., Higginbotham, B., (2021). Evaluating perceived impact of Utah’s online divorce education program. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 62:3, 179-198. doi: 10.1080/10502556.2021.1871829
- Crapo, S., Miller, J., Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2021). Mothering and fathering, or just parenting: Measurement invariance of parental beliefs. Journal of Family Issues, 42:12, 2782-2810. doi: 10.1080/01494929.2021.1958123
- Turner, J., Higginbotham, B., Bradford, K.P, (2020). Addressing the subjective well-being of incarcerated fathers: The role of fatherhood education. . Journal of Correctional Education, 71:2, 75-99.
- Crapo, J.S, Miller, J.A, Rhodes, M.R, Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2020). Couple-level patterns of disclosure process beliefs and their association with marital satisfaction. . Marriage and Family Review, 56:7, 657-676. doi: 10.1080/01494929.2020.1737621
- Kopystynska, O., Turner, J., Schramm, D., Higginbotham, B., (2020). Evaluation of topics in Utah's one-hour divorce education program. Family Court Review, doi: 10.1111/fcre.12469
- Crapo, J.S, Barrett, T., Bradford, K.P, Miller, J., Higginbotham, B., (2020). Couple relationship education outcomes predicted by family life stage and traditionality. Contemporary Family Therapy, 42:4, 422-435. doi:
- Bean, R.C, Ledermann, T., Higginbotham, B., Galliher, R.V, (2020). Associations between relationship maintenance behaviors and marital stability in remarriages. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 61:1, 62-82. doi: 10.1080/10502556.2019.1619385
- Reck, K., Higginbotham, B., Dew, J., (2020). A Longitudinal Hierarchical Examination of Smart Steps for Stepfamilies with Ethnically and Economically Diverse Couples. Family Relations, 41:2, 183-211. doi: 10.1177/0192513X19869385
- Bradford, K.P, Spuhler, B., Higginbotham, B., Laxman, D., Morgan, C., (2019). “I don’t want to make the same mistakes:” Examining relationship education among low-income single adults. Family Relations, 68, 405-419.
- Miller, J.A, Crapo, J.S, Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2019). Relationship belief patterns among relationship education participants at different venues: Within and between group analyses. Family Relations, 68:4, 390-404. doi: doi:10.1111/fare.12382
- Crapo, J.S, Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2019). Preliminary Evaluation of the Couple LINKS Program. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy. , 18:3, 241-256.
- Vaterlaus, M., Skogrand, L.M, Higginbotham, B., Bradford, K.P, (2017). Sustaining University- Community Partnerships in Providing Relationship Education. . Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 9:2, 34-41.
- Hawkins, A., Higginbotham, B., Hatch, D., (2016). Can media campaigns increase participation in marriage and relationship education? The Case of the Utah Healthy Marriages Initiative. . Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 15:1, doi: 10.1080/15332691.2014.952473
- Bradford, K.P, Stewart, J.W, Pfister, R., Higginbotham, B., (2016). Avoid fallinf for a jerk(ette): Effectiveness of the Premarital Interpersonal Choices and Knowledge Program with emerging adults. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 42:4, 630-644. doi: 10.1111/jmft.12174
- Skogrand, L.M, Higginbotham, B., (2016). A Latino couple’s response to stepfamily education: A two-year narrative study. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, 20:1
- Stewart, J.W, Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L.M, (2016). Relationship help-seeking: A review of the efficacy and reach. Marriage and Family Review, 52:8, 781-803. doi:
- Garneau, C., Adler-Baeder, F., Higginbotham, B., (2016). Validating the Remarriage Belief Inventory as a dyadic measure for stepcouples. Journal of Family Issues, 37:1, 132-150. doi: 10.1177/0192513X13511954
- Vaterlaus, M., Skogrand, L.M, Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., (2015). University-Community Partnerships in Providing Relationship Education: A Longitudinal Qualitative Case Study . Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 8:1, 3-14.
- Bradford, K.P, Stewart, J.W, Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L.M, (2015). The Perceived Relationship Knowledge Scale: An Initial Validation. Family Relations, 64:2, 305-318. doi: doi:10.1111/fare.12116
- Garneau, C., Higginbotham, B., Adler-Baeder, F., (2015). Remarriage beliefs as predictors of marital quality and positive interaction in stepcouples: An actor-partner interdependence model. . Family Process, 54, 730-745. doi: doi: 10.1111/famp.12153
- Stewart, J.W, Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L.M, (2014). Relationship Help-seeking in a Community Sample: Testing Differences by Geography and Gender. Forum for Family & Consumer Science Issues, 19:3
- Bradford, K.P, Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L.M, (2014). Healthy relationship education: A case study and outcome evaluation. Marriage and Family Review, 50:2, 93-106. doi: DOI: 10.1080/01494929.2013.851057
- Bradford, K.P, Huffaker, S., Stewart, J.W, Skogrand, L.M, Higginbotham, B., (2014). Successes and Challenges in a Statewide Relationship Education Initiative. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 42:3, 252-266. doi: DOI: 10.1111/fcsr.12059
- Skogrand, L.M, Mendez, E., Higginbotham, B., (2014). Latina women’s experiences in a Stepfamily Education course. . Family Journal, 22:1, 49-55. doi: 10.1177/1066480713505053
- Higginbotham, B., Hatch, D., Albertson, M.K, Brower, N., Perryman, C., (2013). Smart Child Care: Caregiver education for parents, family, friends, and neighbors. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, 18:/No. 2, doi:
- Skogrand, L.M, Mendez, E., Higginbotham, B., (2013). Stepfamily Education: A case study of two lesbian couples.. Marriage and Family Review, 49, 504-519. doi: 10.1080/01494929.2013.772932
- Reck, K., Skogrand, L.M, Higginbotham, B., Davis, P., (2013). Experiences of Latino men in stepfamily education.. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 54, 231-247. doi: 10.1080/10502556.2013.773807
- Vaterlaus, M., Bradford, K.P, Skogrand, L.M, Higginbotham, B., (2013). Providing relationship education for low-income and diverse audiences: A follow-up study. . Family Science Review, 17, 40-61.
- MacArthur, S., Higginbotham, B., Ho, E., (2013). The effect of non-academic mentoring on school-related cognition: A pilot study. Journal of Youth Development, 8:1, 27-37.
- Allgood, S.M, Higginbotham, B., (2013). Professional and personal experiences and perceived facilitator effectiveness. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy: Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions, 12:1, 73-82. doi: 10.1080/15332691.2013.749681
- Higginbotham, B., Agee, L., (2013). Endorsement of Remarriage Beliefs, Spousal Consistency, and Remarital Adjustment. . Marriage and Family Review, 49:2, 177-190. doi: 10.1080/01494929.2012.733325
- Higginbotham, B., Tulane, S., Skogrand, L.M, (2012). Stepfamily education and changes in financial practices. Journal of Family Issues, 33:10, 1398-1420. doi: 10.1177/0192513X12450000
- Reck, K., Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L.M, Davis, P., (2012). Facilitating stepfamily education for Latinos. Marriage & Family Review, 48:2, 170-187. doi: 10.1080/01494929.2011.631729
- Skogrand, L.M, Dansie, L., Higginbotham, B., Davis, P., Barrios-Bell, A., (2011). Benefits of stepfamily education: One-year post program. Journal of Marriage & Family Review, 47:3, 149-163. doi: 10.1080/01494929.2011.571634
- Vaterlaus, M., Higginbotham, B., (2011). Qualitative program evaluation methods. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues
- Bradford, K.P, Skogrand, L.M, Higginbotham, B., (2011). Risk for intimate partner violence among participants in a state-wide relationship education initiative. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy: Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions, 10, 169-184. doi: 10.1080/15332691.2011.562468
- Skogrand, L.M, Davis, P., Higginbotham, B., (2011). Stepfamily education: A case study. Contemporary Family Therapy, 33, 61-70. doi: 10.1007/s10591-011-9141-y
- Higginbotham, B., MacArthur, S., Dart, P.C, (2010). Youth and Families with Promise--adult engagement and the development of strengths in youth. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 38:3, 229-243. doi: 10.1080/10852352.2010.486300
- Skogrand, L.M, Torres, E., Higginbotham, B., (2010). Stepfamily education: Benefits of group-formatted interviewtion. The Family Journal, 18, 234-240. doi: 10.1177/1066480710372479
- Higginbotham, B., Adler-Baeder, F., (2010). Enhancing Knowledge and Agreement Among Ethnically and Economically Diverse Couples in Stepfamilies with the Smart Steps: Embrace the Journey Program. Journal of Extension, 48:1, 1IAW7.
- Higginbotham, B., Myler, C., (2010). The Influence of Facilitator and Facilitation Characteristics on Participants’ Ratings of Stepfamily Education. Family Relations, 59, 74-86. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-3729.2009.00587.x
- Skogrand, L.M, Katie, R., Higginbotham, B., Adler-Baeder, F., Dansie, L., (2010). Recruitment and retention for stepfamily education. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy: Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions, 9, 48-65. doi: doi: 10.1080/15332690903473077
- Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L.M, (2010). Relationship education with married and unmarried stepcouples: An exploratory study. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy; Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions, 9, 133-148. doi: 10.1080/15332691003694893
- Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L.M, Torres, E., (2010). Stepfamily education: Perceived benefits for children. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 51, 36-49. doi: 10.1080/10502550903423271
- Higginbotham, B., Reck, K.H, Brooks, N., (2009). Difficulties experienced among newly remarried elderly couples.. Journal of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences., 4, 32-37.
- Higginbotham, B., Felix, D., (2009). Economic Predictors of Marital Quality Among Newly Remarried Rural and Urban Couples. Family Science Review, 14:2, 18-30.
- Higginbotham, B., Miller, J.J, Niehuis, S., (2009). Remarriage Preparation: Usage, Perceived Helpfulness, and Dyadic Adjustment. Family Relations, 58, 316-329. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-3729.2009.00555.x
- Skogrand, L., Barrios-Bell, A., Higginbotham, B., (2009). Stepfamily Education for Latino Families: Implications for Practice. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy: Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions., 8, 113-128. doi: 10.1080/15332690902813802
- Schramm, D.G, Higginbotham, B., (2009). A Revision of the Questionnaire for Couples in Stepfamilies.. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 50:5, 341-355. doi: 10.1080/10502550902766464
- Higginbotham, B., Adler-Baeder, F., (2008). The Smart Steps, Embrace the Journey Program: enhancing relational skills and relationship quality in remarriages and stepfamilies.. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, 13:3, On Line.
- Dimick, K., Higginbotham, B., MacArthur, S., Poulson, M., (2008). Recruiting college students to be youth mentors. Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, 12:2
- Higginbotham, B., Adler-Baeder, F., (2008). Assessing Beliefs About Remarriages and Stepfamilies. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 48:3, 33-54. doi: 10.1300/J087v48n03_03
- Marshall, J., Higginbotham, B., Harris, V., Lee, T., (2007). Assessing Program Outcomes: Rationale and Benefits of Posttest-then-Retrospective-Pretest Designs.. Journal of Youth Development: Bridging Research and Practice, 2:1, 0701RS001.
- Higginbotham, B., Ketring, S., Hibbert, J., Wright, D., Guarino, A., (2007). Relationship Religiosity, Adult Attachment Styles, and Courtship Violence Experienced by Females. Journal of Family Violence, 22:2, 55-62. doi: 10.1007/s10896-006-9049-8
- Adler-Baeder, F., Ericson, M., Higginbotham, B., (2007). Marriage education for stepcouples. Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, 12:1
- Adler-Baeder, F., Kerpelman, J.L, Schramm, D.G, Higginbotham, B., Paulk, A., (2007). The Impact of Relationship Education on Adolescents of Diverse Backgrounds. Family Relations, 56, 291-303.
- Higginbotham, B., Henderson, K., Adler-Baeder, F., (2007). Using research in marriage and relationship education programming. Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, 12:1
- Higginbotham, B., Harris, V., Marshall, J., Lee, T., (2007). Youth and Families with Promise: A Multi-Component Youth Development Program. Journal of Youth Development: Bridging Research and Practice, 1:3, 0603PA004.
- Higginbotham, B., Adler-Baeder, F., (2005). Development of the Remarriage Belief Inventory for researchers and educators. Journal of Extension, 43:2, 3IAW2.
- Hedges, D.W, Higginbotham, B., Salyer, D.L, Lund, T.D, (2005). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Effects on One-Trial Learning and Response to Anxiogenic Stimuli in Adult Male Rats. Journal of ECT, 21, 25-30.
- Adler-Baeder, F., Higginbotham, B., (2004). Implications of remarriage and stepfamily formation for marriage education. Family Relations, 53, 448-458.
- Adler-Baeder, F., Higginbotham, B., Lamke, L., (2004). Putting empirical knowledge to work: Linking research and programming focused on marital quality. Family Relations, 53, 537-546.
- Hedges, D., Salyer, D.L, Higginbotham, B., (2002). Transcranial magnetic stimulation effects on testosterone, prolactin, and corticosterone in adult male rats. . , 51:5, 417-421.
In-House Journal
Professional Journal
- Turner, J., Bradford, K.P, Schramm, D., Higginbotham, B., Kopystynska, O., Ferguson, M., (2021). Online divorce education: Learning from participants who want more.. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 9:1, 66-83. doi:
- Turner, J., Kopystynska, O., Schramm, D., Higginbotham, B., (2019). Is one hour enough? Evaluating Utah’s online divorce education course based on course length satisfaction.. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 60:7, 537–551. doi: 10.1080/10502556.2019.1586231
- Kopystynska, O., Turner, J., Schramm, D., Higginbotham, B., Evaluation of topics in Utah’s one-hour divorce education program.. Family Court Review
- Vaterlaus, M., Allgood, S.M, Higginbotham, B., (2012). Stepfamily education booster sessions. Social Work with Groups, 35:2, 150-163. doi: doi: 10.1080/01609513.2011.599017
- Higginbotham, B., Davis, P., Smith, L., Dansie, L., Skogrand, L.M, Reck, K., (2012). Stepfathers and stepfamily education. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 53:1, 76-90. doi: 10.1080/10502556.2012.635972
- Higginbotham, B., Anderson, A.L, Lown, J.M, (2007). Advising recently remarried clients: Implications from social science research. Journal of Personal Finance, 6:1, 81-92.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
- Higginbotham, B., (2012). How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk or Jerkette video spot. YouTube *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
- MacArthur, S., Higginbotham, B., (2007). Report for the Department of Education Grant. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.