Jerry Goodspeed
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Extension Professor | USU Botanical Center Director | Davis County
Contact Information
Office Location: USU Botanical CenterPhone: 435-919-1276
Additional Information:
Publications | Abstracts
- Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., Hunter, B., (2012). Recruiting, Retaining, and Incorporating Volunteers to Help Develop and Maintain the Utah State University Botanical Center. Proceedings of the 97th Annual NACAA Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference
- Kuhns, M.R, Goodspeed, J., Rasmussen, S., Carlson, C., Josiah, S., (2002). Adapting the Master Gardener Concept for Urban/Community Forestry. Abstract, Proc. 3rd Natural Resource Extension Professionals Conf., Naples, FL *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Books
- Anderson, R.M, Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., (2012). Wildflowers of the Mountain West. The University Press of Colorado
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Goodspeed, J., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Weber County. Utah State University Extension
- Goodspeed, J., Heflebower, R.F, Beddes, T., Kopp, K., (2012). Bermuda Grass in Utah Lawns.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., (2010). Top 10 Abiotic Disorders and Cultural Problems of Woody Ornamentals.
- Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., Hodgson, E., (2010). Top 10 Insect Pests of Woody Ornamentals.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., Evans, K., (2010). Top 10 Pathogenic Diseases of Woody Ornamentals.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Smith, J., Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., Olsen, S.H, (2017). Baby animal days: An innovative approach to funding and marketing urban Extension programs. Journal of Extension
Professional Journal
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., (2016). Basic Weed Control in the Landscape.
- Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., (2016). Fun with Zucchini.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., (2016). How to Care for Your Lawn - The Basics.
- Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., (2016). How to Deadhead Perennials.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., (2016). How to Detect and Control Iron Chlorosis.
- Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., (2016). How to Prune Raspberries.
- Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., (2016). How to Prune Roses.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., (2016). How to Prune Spring Flowering Shrubs.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., (2016). How to Reseed a Lawn.
- Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., (2016). How to Start a Vegetable Garden.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., (2016). How to Use Fertilizers.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., (2016). Raised Bed Gardening.
- Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., (2016). Tomatoes - Tips and Tricks.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., Caron, M.S, (2015). Fall Chores for the Yard and Garden.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., Caron, M.S, (2015). Planting Bareroot Trees.
- Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., Caron, M.S, (2015). Pruning Grapes.
- Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., Caron, M.S, (2015). Starting Seeds Indoors.
- Caron, M.S, Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., (2014). Apple Pruning.
- Goodspeed, J., Caron, M.S, Gunnell, J., (2014). Ornamental Grass Care.
- Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., Caron, M.S, (2014). Peach Pruning.
- Caron, M.S, Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J., (2014). Pruning Tools.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
- Rupp, L.A, Whitesides, R.E, Kettenring, K., Larese-Casanova, M., Goodspeed, J., (2013). Phragmites australis Control at the Rural-Urban Interface Final Report. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Beddes, T., Murray, M., Kuhns, M.R, Goodspeed, J., (2011). Walnuts in the home orchard. USU Extension
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Season gives one time to think, thank. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Hail to the mighty oak, president of the plant kingdom. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Slathering on frosting a littlelike layering on topsoil. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Some plants make amends with colorful fall display. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Garden Guru Gooddspeed is all about peace in the yard. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Naturalizing bulbs reduces drudgery of lawn care. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Have a little empathy for those plants picked last. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Grumbling grass has a few demands that must be met. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Some veggies should be picked - and fed to future pork chop. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Garden in shambles? It's OK to blame it on the weather. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Got questions? You're barking up right tree. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). My hibiscus can beat up your hibiscus. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Add to the fun of the fair by showing your own harvest. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). PLants have their own 'Look' while doing a slow burn. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Bad things do come in threes-including nasty insect pests. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Got turf? If so, you know frustration of living in Utah. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Nicknames for people - and plants-can be cruel. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Aphids are abhorred telemarketers of the insect kingdom. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). The best cure for 2,4-D poisoning is prevention. *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Trees - like people- suffer stresses of change. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Think thin when choosing a tree for your park strip. *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Face it; some plants nicer than others. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Some plants do so well, planting them's almost like cheating. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Our plants need good nutrition, too. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). We'll stand for no coddling of the codling moth. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Time to teach grass a lesson on tolerance. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Tips on early spring lawn and yard care. Utah Farm Bureau News *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Chart may help save you grief when it's time to plant veggies. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Flowering cherry trees worth extra TLC they need. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Easy ways to handle early gardening itch. The richfield Reaper/Reaper Extra *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Waking lawns will demand attention soon. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Never fear the shears! Don't take pruning so seriously. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). OK, if you must, you can plant peas anytime now. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). Never too early to begin the battle with the weeds. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2007). How to add a pleasant tree to your yard's landscape. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Talking some dirt: Improving soil takes time, patience. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Treat trees with the respect they deserve. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Winter only means pests are planning next year's warfare. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Some vegetables just better off as 'ornamentals'. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Extension Agent dreaming of apple pie in the sky. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Fall the best time to look forward to bold, colorful spring bulbs. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Are you afraid to go into the garden?. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). As winter approaches, some shrubs just keep on keeping on. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Water-wise plants can be prismatic, too. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Be patient: everyone's landscape will soon look the same. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Some plants crave shade just like you and I. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Plants can be nasty in showing their contempt for heat. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Sedums lend strength to scenery. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Let the landscape go a little wild. Standard-Examiner *
- Goodspeed, J., (2006). Tea for two - and a little more for the garden. too. Standard-Examiner *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Utah State University Botanical Center, 2017 - Ongoing
Horticulture Education, 2008 - 2025
Ogden Botanical Gardens, 2008 - 2025
Administration, 2010 - 2025
Master Gardeners-Education and Training, 2008 - 2019
Propagation of Native Plants for Landscape Use, 2007 - 2019
Urban Forestry, 2008 - 2015
Civil Rights-General Plan, 2008 - 2012