Carrie Durward


Nutrition Specialist

Carrie Durward

Contact Information

Office Location: Logan Campus | NFS 113
Phone: (435) 797-5843
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Nutritional Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, 2012
Metabolically healthy obesity: risk of chronic disease, differences from metabolically unhealthy obese, and effects of weight loss in this population.
BS, Human Nutrition, Arizona State University, 2007
Fish and fish oil consumption is associated with improved mood states in healthy college students.

Licensures & Certifications

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Commission on Dietetic Registration, 2013


Graduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2022

Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences

Faculty Researcher of the Year, 2017

Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences

Notable New Grant Award, 2016

Utah State Unversity Office of Research and Graduate Studies

Publications | Abstracts

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Books

        Publications | Book Chapters

      • Steinitz, T., Wagner, K.M, Drost, D.T, Alston, D.G, Hunter, B., Nischwitz, C., Ramirez, R., Allen, L., Barnhill, J.V, Frame, D., Pace, M., Durward, C., Reeve, J., Jewkes, M., Heflebower, R.F, (2014). A Guide to Common Organic Gardening Questions. USU Extension *
      • Beard, J.L, Durward, C., (2012). Iron Physiology and Pathophysiology in Humans: The Liabilities of Iron Deficiency. Springer, Humana Press *

      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

      Publications | Fact Sheets

      • Bevan, S.L, Durward, C., Savoie Roskos, M., (2023). Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy and Children.
      • Durward, C., (2022). Webinars as a Tool for Increasing Awareness of Diabetes Prevention and Management Programs. . Utah State Outcomes and Quarterly Impact
      • Pace, J., Emmons, R., Hall, K., Wille, C., Jimenez, L.N, Durward, C., McCann, R.B, (2022). Utah Farmers Market Network: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Community of Practice. Utah State University Extension
      • Durward, C., (2020). Added Sugars: What You Need to Know.
      • Durward, C., (2020). Fasting Diets: Are They Safe, Healthy, and Effective?.
      • Bangerter, L., Savoie Roskos, M., Chipman, J., Sundell, A., Durward, C., (2020). Go with Your Gut: The Role of Gut Microbiota in Health.
      • Clark, B., Bangerter, L., Savoie Roskos, M., Coombs, C., Durward, C., (2019). Fluoride: From Birth to Adolescence.
      • Curtis, K., Salisbury, K., Ward, R.A, Durward, C., (2019). Targeting Farmers’ Markets in Utah: Understanding Fresh Produce Pricing. USU Extension
      • Curtis, K., Salisbury, K., Pozo, V., Ward, R.A, Durward, C., (2019). What Determines Produce Pricing in Utah?. USU Extension
      • Kunzler, A., Savoie Roskos, M., Durward, C., (2018). Ensuring Adequate Vitamin D Intake Among Infants and Children.
      • Mitchell, A., Savoie Roskos, M., Norris, N., Durward, C., (2018). Nutritional Needs Among High School Athletes.
      • Hudson, R., Savoie Roskos, M., Durward, C., (2018). Dairy In Your Child's Diet!.
      • Shearer, S., Savoie Roskos, M., Durward, C., (2018). Fresh and Easy: How to Make Homemade Baby Food.
      • Feller, C., Savoie Roskos, M., Durward, C., (2018). Helpful Hints for Picky Eaters.
      • Savoie Roskos, M., Jorgensen, M., Durward, C., (2018). Does Healthy Eating Cost More?.
      • Olson, M., Savoie Roskos, M., Durward, C., (2018). How to Nourish Mom and Baby Alike: Nutrition During Pregnancy.

      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

      Publications | Curriculum

      • Curtis, K., Durward, C., Salisbury, K., Rice, E., (2018). Conventional vs. Organic Produce Price Comparisons for Utah. USU Extension
      • Curtis, K., Durward, C., Salisbury, K., Rice, E., (2018). Farmers' Market Produce Price Comparisons for Utah. USU Extension
      • Curtis, K., Durward, C., Salisbury, K., Rice, E., (2018). Farmers' Market vs. Grocery Store Produce Price Comparisons for Utah. USU Extension
      • Curtis, K., Durward, C., Salisbury, K., Rice, E., (2018). National vs. Local Grocery Store Produce Price Comparisons for Utah. USU Extension
      • Curtis, K., Salisbury, K., Durward, C., (2018). Fresh Produce Direct Sales and Pricing. USU Extension
      • Curtis, K., Durward, C., Salisbury, K., Dygert, A., (2017). Conventional vs. Organic Fresh Produce Comparison. USU Extension
      • Curtis, K., Durward, C., Salisbury, K., Dygert, A., (2017). Farmers' Market Produce Price Comparison. USU Extension
      • Curtis, K., Durward, C., Salisbury, K., Dygert, A., (2017). Farmers' Market vs. Grocery Store Comparison. USU Extension
      • Curtis, K., Durward, C., Salisbury, K., Dygert, A., (2017). National vs. Local Store Produce Comparison. USU Extension
      • Christofferson, D., LeBlanc, H.R, Savoie Roskos, M., Durward, C., Allen, K., (2014). Creates Curriculum.

      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

      Publications | Journal Articles

      Academic Journal

      • Ricart, G., Atoloye, A., Durward, C., Guenther, P.M, (2022). New Exponential Scoring Functions for Diet Quality Indexes Solve Problems Caused by Truncation. The Journal of Nutrition, 152:4, 1168-1173.
      • Kirkpatrick, S., Guenther, P., Durward, C., Douglass, D., Zimmerman, T., Kahle, L., Atoloye, A., Marcinow, M., Savoie Roskos, M., Herrick, K., Dodd, K., (2022). The Accuracy of Portion Size Reporting on Self-Administered Online 24-Hour Recalls Among Women with Low Incomes. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
      • Petersen, J., Durward, C., Levin, M., (2021). Psychological inflexibility as a mediator between weight self-stigma and health-related outcomes. The Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 85, 316-330.
      • Levin, M.E, Peterson, J.M, Durward, C., Bingeman, B., Davis, E., Nelson, C., Cromwell, S., (2021). A randomized controlled trial of online acceptance and commitment therapy to improve diet and physical activity among adults who are overweight/obese. Transactional Behavioral Medicine, 11, 1216-1225.
      • Kirkpatric, S.I, Dodd, K.W, Potischman, N., Douglass, D., Guenther, P.M, Durward, C., Atoloye, A.T, Kahle, L., Subar, A.F, Reeedy, J., (2021). Healthy Eating Index-2015 scores among adults based on observed vs recalled dietary intake. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 121:11, 2233-2241.e1.
      • Atoloye, A., Savoie Roskos, M., Guenther, P.M, Durward, C., (2021). Effectiveness of Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) in Changing Nutrition-related Behavior among Adults with Low Income: A Systematic Review. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 53:8, doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2021.03.006
      • Atoloye, A., Savoie Roskos, M., Durward, C., (2021). Higher Fruit and Vegetable Intake is Associated with Participation in the Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) Program. Nutrients, 13:8, 2607. doi:
      • Garner, J.A, Coombs, C., Savoie Roskos, M., Durward, C., Seguin-Fowler, R.A, (2020). A Qualitative Evaluation of Double Up Food Bucks Farmers’ Market Incentive Program Access. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 52:7, 705-712.
      • Spruance, L.A, Atoloye, A., Douglass, D., P, Z.T, Guenther, P.M, Franck, K., Henson, T., Millerberg, N., Moore, C., Wilson-Sweebe, K., Wood, G., Durward, C.M, (2019). Pilot test of online ASA24 training manual with Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program Educators.. Sage Open, 9:2
      • Durward, C., Savoie Roskos, M., Atoloye, A., Isabella, P., Jewkes, M., Ralls, B., Riggs, K., LeBlanc, H.R, (2019). Double Up Food Bucks Participation is Associated with Increased Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Food Security in Low-Income Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 51:3, 342-347.
      • Kirkpatric, S.I, Guenther, P.M, Douglass, D., Zimmerman, T., Kahle, L., Atoloye, A., Marcinow, M., Savoie Roskos, M., Dodd, K.W, Durward, C., (2019). The Provision of Assistance Does Not Substantially Impact the Accuracy of 24-Hour Dietary Recalls Completed Using the Automated Self-Administered 24-H Dietary Assessment Tool among Women with Low Incomes . The Journal of Nutrition, 149:1, 114-122.
      • Salisbury, K., Curtis, K., Pozo, V., Durward, C., (2018). Is Local Produce Really More Expensive? A Comparison of Direct Market and Conventional Grocery Produce Pricing. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 19:1, 13-21.
      • Savoie Roskos, M., Wengreen, H., Gast, J.A, LeBlanc, H.R, Durward, C., (2017). Understanding the experiences of low-income individuals receiving farmers’ market incentives in the United States: A qualitative study . Health Promotion Practice, 18:6, 869-878. doi: DOI: 10.1177/1524839917715438
      • Savoie Roskos, M., Wengreen, H., Durward, C., (2017). Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Children and Youth Through Gardening-Based Interventions: A Systematic Review. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117:2
      • Savoie Roskos, M., Durward, C., Jewkes, M., LeBlanc, H.R, (2016). Reducing Food Insecurity and Improving Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Farmers’ Market Incentive Program Participants. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 48:1, 70-76. doi:
      • Shlisky, J., Durward, C., Zack, M., Gugger, C., Jonnalagadda, S., Campbell, J., Nickols-Richardson, S., (2015). An energy-restricted dietary pattern including moderate protein and increased non-fat dairy combined with walking promotes beneficial changes in body composition and metabolic parameters in premenopausal women with excess adiposity.. Food Science & Nutrition, 3:5, 376-93. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.231
      • Durward, C., Hartman, T.J, Nickols-Richardson, S.M, (2012). All-Cause Mortality Risk of Metabolically Healthy Obese Individuals in NHANES III. Journal of Obesity, 2012, doi: 10.1155/2012/460321

      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

      Publications | Technical Reports

      Research Reports

        Other Reports

        An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

        Publications | Other


        • Durward, C., (2015). “10 tips to help everyone learn to love the taste of fruits and vegetables. Kenab Healthy Living Challenge Newsletter *
        • Durward, C., (2015). “10 tips to make eating fruits and vegetables fit into your busy lifestyle” . Kenab Healthy Living Challenge Newsletter *
        • Durward, C., (2015). “10 tips to make fruits and vegetables affordable” . Kenab Healthy Living Challenge Newsletter *


        Miscellaneous Extension


          An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


          NDFS 6200 - Nutritional Epidemiology, Fall 2024
          NDFS 6200 - Nutritional Epidemiology, Fall 2023
          NDFS 5200, 6200 - Nutritional Epidemiology, Fall 2022
          NDFS 6200, 5200 - Nutritional Epidemiology, Fall 2021
          NDFS 6200, 5200 - Nutritional Epidemiology, Fall 2021
          NDFS 6600 - Current Topics in Obesity, Fall 2019
          NDFS 6600 - Current Topics in Obesity, Fall 2018
          NDFS 6600 - Current Topics in Obesity, Fall 2015
          NDFS 6600 - Current Topics in Obesity, Fall 2014


          NourishHealth, 2024 - Ongoing
          Nutrition and Health, 2021 - Ongoing
          Nutrition Education Evaluation Research, 2015 - Ongoing
          Fruit and Vegetable Access, 2014 - Ongoing
          Nutrition Hot Topics , 2013 - Ongoing
          Healthy Family Fun, 2014 - 2017

          Graduate Students Mentored

          Abiodun Atoloye, Nutrition, Dietetics &Food Sci, August 2016 - August 2019
          Mateja Savoie, Nutrition, Dietetics &Food Sci, August 2013 - April 2016