Jolene Bunnell
Youth Programs Dept
Extension Professor | Family Consumer Science & State Ambassadors
Contact Information
Office Location: Orem, Utah | Utah County OfficePhone: (801) 318-4603
Educational Background
JoLene bleeds green. 4-H is her life. She was a 10 year 4-H member, one of the first Utah 4-H Ambassadors, interned in the State 4-H Office while attending USU on a 4-H scholarship, married a 4-H, is a 4-H volunteer leader and is working at her dream job-USU Extension Professor - 4-H Youth Development. JoLene received her BS from Utah State University and her MS from Brigham Young University. Her greatest joy is being a mom of three active children. She also enjoys Lake Powell, waterskiing, and being a grandma.
Teaching Interests
Essential Elements of Positive Youth Development
Teen Leadership - State 4-H Ambassadors
Family Consumer Science 4-H
Scholarship Mentor Award, 2023
Coca-Cola Scholarship Foundation
Promotional Package - Team - Western Regional Winner, 2015
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Communicator Award - Promotional Package, 2015
New Mexico Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Excellence in 4-H Club Support - Team, 2013
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Human Development/Family Relationships Award, 2013
National Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
Human Development/Family RelationshipsTeam Award, 2013
National Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
Excellence in Teen Programming - Team Award, 2013
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Human Development/Family RelationshipsTeam Award, 2013
Utah Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
Marketing/Public Relations Team Award, 2013
Utah Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
Spirit of Extension Award, 2013
Utah State University Extension
Search for Excellence in 4-H Club Support - Team Winner, 2012
Idaho Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Search for Excellence in 4-H Club Support - Team Winner, 2012
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Florence Hall Award, 2012
National Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
Florence Hall Award, 2012
Utah Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
Human Development/Family Relationships Award, 2012
National Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
Human Development/Family Relationships Award, 2012
Utah Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
Certificate of Appreciation, 2012
Western 4-H Institute
Western Region Search for Excellence in Teen Programming - Team Award, 2010
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Certificate of 15 Years of Service , 2009
Utah State University Extension
Appreciation of Service , 2009
Western 4-H Program Leaders
National Meritorious Service Award, 2007
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Western Region Excellence in Afterschool Programs, 2007
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Certificate of Appreciation Award, 2006
Utah Army National Guard
D.S. Barkman Research & Evaluation Scholarship Winner, 2005
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Certificate of 10 Year Service, 2004
Utah State Univerisity Extension
Certificate of Accomplishment, 2004
Utah State University Extension
Distinguished Service Award, 2004
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Excellence in Teamwork Award, 2004
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Partnering with Volunteers Award, 2004
Utah State University Extension
Educational Technology - Youth Category Winner, 2003
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Most Local Connections Award, 2003
Joint Council of Extension Professionals
National Distinguished Service Award, 2003
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents.
Recognition of Service Award, 2003
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
State Team Diversity Award, 2003
IOTA Chapter - Epsilon Sigma Phi
Appreciation of Service Award, 2002
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Communictor Award - Media Presentation Winner, 2002
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Excellence in 4-H Club support Winner, 2002
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Educational Technology - Youth Category Winner, 2001
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Red Wagon Award, 2001
Utah Commission on Volunteers
Western Region Educational Technology - Youth Category Winner, 2001
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Outstanding Service and Commitment Award, 2000
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Western Region 4-H volunteer Management Award, 2000
Western Regional 4-H Affiliate Association
Educational Technology - Youth Category Winner, 1999
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
National Educational Technology - Youth Category Winner, 1999
National Associaiton of Extension 4-H Workers
Outstanding Service to Community Award., 1999
Boy Scouts of America
Achievement Service Award, 1998
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Bursts of Performance Award, 1998
Utah State University Extension
Communicator Award - Newletter Winner, 1998
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
National Achievement Service Award, 1998
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents.
Star Chaperone Award, 1998
Utah State Unviersity Extension
Communicator Award - Newsletter Winner, 1997
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Educational Piece Award, 1997
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Technology - Youth Winner, 1997
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers
Western Region Educational Piece Communicator Award, 1997
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Western Region Technology - Youth, 1997
National Associaiton of Extension 4-H Agents
Alumni Chapter of the Year - Utah County Chapter, 1996
Utah State University Alumni Association
Diversity Award, 1996
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers.
Diversity Team Award, 1996
Utah State University Extension
Western Region Diversity Award, 1996
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Outstanding Graduating Senior, 1988
Utah State University Department of Home Economics and Consumer Education
Innovation Award, 1986
Associated Students of Utah State University
National 4-H Egg Preparation Winner - eighth place, 1982
Utah State University Extension - 4-H.
State 4-H Demonstration Winner, 1982
Utah State Universtiy Extension - 4-H
State 4-H Record Book Winner, 1982
Utah State University Extension - 4-H.
Publications | Abstracts
- Shepperd, E., Bunnell, J.B, (2013). reviewing the past and looking to the future: 4-H Mentoring of Central Utah.
- Bunnell, J.B, (2011). 4-h Afterschool Grants Available - Time to Act is Now. 4-H State Training
- Bunnell, J.B, MacArthur, S., Dart, P.C, Lyons, L., Mann, C.L, (2011). "Got Dating?" 4-H Teen Winter Retreat. 4-H State Training
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Curriculum
- Bunnell, J.B, (1998). Utah County 4-H contest certificates. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1997). Code of Conduct/Waiver of Liability. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1997). County 4-H leader recognition certificates. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1997). County Achievement Night certificates. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1996). Character Counts! - Six Pillars of Character. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1995). Utah County Fair exhibit tag and entry form. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1995). What are 4-H contests. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1994). 4-H resume. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1994). How to give a winning demonstration. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1994). Utah 4-H record form. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Brower, N., MacArthur, S., Bradford, K.P, Albrecht, C., Bunnell, J.B, Lyons, L., (2012). Effective elements for organizing a healthy relationships teen 4-H retreat. . Journal of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 7, 64-68.
- Bunnell, J.B, Pate, R., (2006). 4-H Afterschool � making an impact.. Journal of Youth Development � Bridging Research and Practice. [On-line Journal
- Bunnell, J.B, (2006). Mentoring: A promising approach for involving at-risk youth in 4-H.. Journal of Extension. [On-line Journal]
- Bunnell, J.B, Parent, V., Marshell, J., Washburn, C., (2006). Strengthening families through 4-H.. Journal of the National Association of Extension Family and Consumer Sciences, 21-24.
- Bunnell, J.B, Beutler, I., (1999). Domestic labor puzzle: Meaning and emotion.. Journal of Extension. [On-line Journal], 37(5).
Professional Journal
- Brower, N., MacArthur, S., Bradford, K.P, Bunnell, J.B, Albrecht, C., (2012). Got Dating? Outcomes of a 4-H relationship teen retreat. Journal of Youth Development, 7:1, 118-124.
- Riggs, K., Lee, T., Marshall, J., Serfustini, E.J, Bunnell, J.B, (2006). Mentoring: A Promising Approach for Involving At-risk Youth in 4-H.. Journal of Extension, 44, number 3
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Bunnell, J.B, Jones, D., Olsen, R., Haws, S., Proctor, D.G, Weeks, N., Christensen, N.K, Hermanson, J., Wong, S., (2008). 4-H chef extrodinare guidelines. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2008). 4-H favorite foods contest. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2008). 4-h healthy cuisine guidelines. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2008). Pack to the Future Leadermete Handbook. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2007). A guide for 4-H meal preparation contest � revised edition.. Logan, UT. Utah State University Extension - 4-H Publications. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2006). A guide for 4-H meal preparation contest � revised edition.. Logan, UT. Utah State University Extension � 4-H Publications *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2006). Changing Spaces (Multiple pages in Levels 1, 2, 3 & Helper's Guide). Marshall, MI: 4-H Cooperative Curriculum System. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2006). Changing Spaces (Multiple pages in Levels 1, 2, 3 & Helper's Guide). Marshall, MI: 4-H Cooperative Curriculum System. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2006). Changing Spaces (Multiple pages in Levels 1, 2, 3 & Helper's Guide). Marshall, MI: 4-H Cooperative Curriculum System. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2006). Changing Spaces (Multiple pages in Levels 1, 2, 3 & Helper's Guide). Marshall, MI: 4-H Cooperative Curriculum System. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2006). Changing Spaces (Multiple pages in Levels 1, 2, 3 & Helper's Guide). Marshall, MI: 4-H Cooperative Curriculum System. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2006). Changing Spaces (Multiple pages in Levels 1, 2, 3 & Helper's Guide). Marshall, MI: 4-H Cooperative Curriculum System. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2004). How street it is. Daily Herald *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2004). Utah County Fair.. Thanksgiving Point Gazette *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2004). 4-H'er baby-sitter kits on display at county fair.. Deseret Morning News *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2004). Fair attendance hope pinned on more show, rides, vendors.. Daily Herald *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2004). Fair attendance exceeded goal.. Daily Herald *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2004). Extension professionals model the importance of community service.. News & Views. [On-line Official Publication of the National Association of Exten *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2002). A guide for 4-H meal preparation contest � revised edition.. Logan, UT. Utah State University Extension � 4-H Publications *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2002). Dairy foods preparation contest � revised edition.. Logan, UT. Utah State University Extension � 4-H Publications *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2002). Utah 4-H egg preparation contest � revised edition.. Logan, UT. Utah State University Extension � 4-H Publications *
- Bunnell, J.B, (2002). Utah 4-H turkey barbecue contest � revised edition. Logan, UT. Utah State University Extension � 4-H Publications *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1999). Lighting the fire within us.. News & View. [Official Publication of the National Association of Extension 4-H *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1997). 40 Assets in Youth. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1997). A guide for 4-H meal preparation contest � revised edition.. Logan, UT. Utah State University Extension � 4-H Publications. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1997). Beef ambassador contest guidelines � revised edition.. Logan, UT. Utah State University Extension � 4-H Publications. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1997). Utah 4-H Portfolio. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1996). Dairy foods preparation contest guidelines � revised edition.. Logan, UT. Utah State University Extension � 4-H Publications. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1995). New 4-H Portfolio. *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1994). Baby booties the crochenit way.. CAMEO Latter-Day Women in Profile [Magazine Article-Crafter's Corner] *
- Bunnell, J.B, (1993). 'St. KnickKnackatory'.. CAMEO Latter-Day Women in Profile. [Magazine Article-Crafter's Corner]. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.