Growing Water Smart is a joint program between the Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy, a Center of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, and the Sonoran Institute.
Utah Division of Water Resources
The Utah Division of Water Resources is one of the seven divisions housed within the state’s Department of Natural Resources. Tasked with Planning, Conserving, Developing and Protecting Utah’s water resources, the Division earnestly strives to be Utah’s water steward. We are committed to meeting future water needs through a combination of multi-faceted solutions that include conservation, efficiency, optimization, agriculture conversion, and water development. Such an approach will help us prepare, plan, and sustain its water future.
Center for Water Efficient Landscaping
The Center for Water Efficient Landscaping (CWEL) at Utah State University is a research and outreach center designed to improve the efficient use of water for landscape irrigation. Founded in 1999 by the Utah State Legislature to support landscape water conservation Extension programs and research activities, the Center is comprised of a multidisciplinary group of faculty, staff, and graduate students dedicated to reducing water use in ornamental landscapes without compromising the environment, quality of life, or the economy. Funding from the State of Utah, federal and state agencies, private companies, water conservancy districts, and Utah State University has supported the numerous research activities and Extension work of the Center, which is housed in the Plants, Soils & Climate Department at USU.
Babbitt Center: A Center of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
The Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy, a center of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, seeks to advance the integration of land and water management to meet the current and future water needs of communities, economies, and the environment. The Babbitt Center develops tools and best practices to guide decisions through research, training, and partnerships for management of land and water resources. We recognize that water is the lifeblood of the American West and land use decisions are made every day that shape our water future. Coordination of these land and water use decisions is critical for ensuring resilient and sustainable communities.
Western Resource Advocates
Western Resource Advocates (WRA) fights climate change and its impacts in order to sustain the environment, economy, and people of the West. Our team of policy experts, scientists, economists, and attorneys has a 30-year history of working where decisions are made, sweating the details, creating evidence-based solutions, and holding decision-makers accountable. This on-the-ground work advances clean energy, protects air, land, water, and wildlife—and sustains the lives and livelihoods of the West. WRA brings a unique set of skills, knowledge, relationships, and leadership to solving conservation issues in the West.