QWEL Training

Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL):

What is QWEL? A certification program developed to educate landscape professionals and their customers on the benefits of sound landscape design, management and irrigation practices. 

The Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) program presents an affordable proactive local approach to reducing landscape water demand. QWEL provides graduates with knowledge in water efficient and sustainable landscape practices including water management and preservation of other valuable resources.

In 2010, The Center for Water Efficient Landscaping (CWEL) and USU Extension partnered with the Utah Nursery and Landscape Association (UNLA) and Jordan Valley Water Conservation District  to bring the QWEL program to Utah. This program is certified by the EPA WaterSense Program The program was adapted to Utah’s climate by USU professionals, with training provided by USU. QWEL provides approximately 20 hours of education that is focused on water-efficient principles including irrigation system and landscape design with proper plant selection for the climate. Landscape professionals then use their training to help Utahns reduce landscape water demand by becoming more water efficient in landscape design, maintenance and operation.

Hire a QWEL Pro* landscape design and/or irrigation professional.

*The listing of QWEL Certified Professionals is provided as an informational source only. Neither the order of the listings, nor the listing itself, implies any endorsement, recommendation or promotion of any particular individual or company, nor any guarantee of the workmanship or materials provided by the individual or company. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to investigate the background and experience of the individual or company. California Law stipulates that work performed for $500.00 or more for labor and materials must be accomplished by a licensed contractor. Please check the applicable laws in your state.


Available soon online!

The QWEL online program is currently undergoing redevelopment and will be available through the USU Extension Online Course Catalog.

The online modules offer a starting point to the QWEL program by covering several lectures. However, participants desiring certification will need to complete the irrigation audit in person. The exam may be offered in person or online.  

Access to REGRISTRATION will be posted here when available.

In the meantime, for questions on how you can take the training contact Kelly Kopp at kelly.kopp@usu.edu

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For more information visit the QWEL website at www.qwel.net.

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