Paul Johnson

Plants, Soils, & Climate (PSC)

Department Head, Professor

Paul G. Johnson

Contact Information

Office Location: AGRS 344
Phone: 435-797-7039
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Horticulture, (Related field: Plant breeding), University of Minnesota, 1995
Genetics and Physiology of Flowering in Selected Poa annua L
MS, Horticulture, University of Minnesota, 1991
Factors affecting seed set of Poa annua L. using an excised stem technique
BS, Horticulture, (Turfgrass Management; Science), Iowa State University, 1986


Dr. Johnson’s research specialization is in turfgrass ecology and genetics with emphasis on water conservation in Intermountain West landscapes.

Teaching Interests

My teaching has been focused towards sustainable turfgrass management and helping students learn about the unique environment we grow these plants in.

Research Interests

Breeding and genetics of Poa and native grasses. Also in the area of turfgrass ecology and management, especially related to water conservation.


Award of Excellence, 2014

Western Extension Directors' Association

USU College of Agriculture Researcher of the Year, 2008

Certificate of Recognition for Research, 2001

Publications | Abstracts

  • Johnson, P.G, (1998). Selection and Inheritance of Low-Mowing Tolerance in Buffalograss. Annual Mtg., Abstract, American Society of Agronomy. p. 125 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1997). Graduate training for future turfgrass scientists: Breeding and genetics. Graduate education symposium paper. Agron. Abst. p. 124 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1997). Relatedness of Buffalograss Acessions Using DNA Markers. Agron. Abst. p. 128 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1996). Analysis of Buffalograss Germplasm Using Flow Cytometry. Agron. Abst.. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1995). Implications of flowering pattern to growth and culture of annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.). Agron. Abst. p. 157 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1994). Inheritance of flowering pattern in Poa annua reptans (Hausskn.) and Poa annua annua (L.). Agron. Abst. p. 185 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1993). Requirements for Flower Induction in Poa annua L., Agron. Abst. p. 159.. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1992). Inheritance of Flowering Requirements in Poa annua L.. Agron. Abst. p. 171 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1990). Factors affecting Poa annua L. seed set using an excised stem technique. Agron. Abst. p. 176 *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Books

  • Riordan, T.P, Fei, S., Johnson, P.G, Read, P.E, (1997). Plant breeding, plant regeneration, and flow cytometry in buffalograss: Turfgrass Biotechnology: Cell and Molecular Genetic Approaches to Turfgrass Improvement. Ann Arbor Press

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Johnson, P.G, Rossi, F.S, Horgan, B.P, (2013). Sustainable Turfgrass Management in an increasingly urbanized world: Turfgrass. ASA/CSSA/SSSA Monograph
  • Johnson, P.G, (2004). Buffalograss. Warm-season grasses; ASA/CSSA/SSSA Monograph No. 45.

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Hernandez, A., Bushman, B.S, Johnson, P.G, Robbins, M.D, Patten, K., (2024). Prediction of Turfgrass Quality Using Multispectral UAV Imagery and Ordinal Forests: Validation Using a Fuzzy Approach. Agronomy, 14:11, 2575. doi:
  • Boyle, P.E, Kopp, K., Dai, X., Bushman, B.S, Johnson, P.G, Grossl, P., (2024). Clover (Trifolium spp.) Inclusion in Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis) Lawns. Hort Science, 59:7, 1020-1026. doi:
  • Promchote, P., Wang, S., Yoon, J., Johnson, P.G, Creech, J.E, Shen, Y., Yao, M., (2022). On the Changing Cool Season Affecting Rice Growth and Yield in Taiwan. Agronomy, doi:
  • Chai, ., Sun, X., Cui, X., Johnson, P.G, Fu, ., (2022). Clonal integration systemically regulates leaf microstructure of Bouteloua dactyloides interconnected ramets to better adapt to different levels of simulated insect herbivory. AoB Plants, doi:
  • Kopp, K., Johnson, P.G, Dai, X., (2022). Comparing smart irrigation controllers for turfgrass landscapes. HortTechnology, 32:5, 415-424. doi:
  • Johnson, P.G, Kopp, K., Bushman, B.S, (2020). Inheritance of salt tolerance traits among Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) hybrids. Crop Science
  • Promchote, P., Wang, S., Black, B.L, Johnson, P.G, (2020). Sub-seasonal prediction for bloom dates of tart cherries in Utah and Michigan, USA: merging phenological models with CFSv2 forecast. . International Journal of Biometeorology, 64:12, 2141-2152. doi: 10.1007/s00484-020-02005-9
  • Bushman, S., Robins, M., Thorsted, K., Harris, P., Johnson, P.G, (2020). Response to salt stress imposed on cultivars of three turfgrass species: Poa pratensis, Lolium perenne, and Puccinellia distans. Crop Science, 60:3, 1648-1659. doi:
  • Mortenson, J.S, Waldron, B.L, Larson, S., Jensen, K., DeHaan, L.R, Peel, M.D, Johnson, P.G, Creech, J.E, (2019). Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for Forage Traits in Intermediate Wheatgrass When Grown as Spaced-Plants versus Monoculture and Polyculture Swards. Agronomy, 9:10
  • Promchote, P., Wang, S., Shen, Y., Johnson, P.G, Yao, M., (2018). A seasonal prediction for the wet-cold spells leading to winter crop damage in northwestern Taiwan with a combined empirical-dynamical approach. International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.5194
  • Bushman, B.S, Joshi, A., Johnson, P.G, (2018). Molecular markers improve breeding efficiency in apomictic Poa pratensis L.. Agronomy, 8:2, doi:
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, (2017). Cultural, Organic, and Biological Methods for Snow Mold Control on Putting Greens in the Intermountain West. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management--Applied Turfgrass Science, 3:1, doi: doi:10.2134/cftm2017.04.0030
  • Staub, J.E, Robbins, M.D, Larson, S.R, Johnson, P.G, (2017). USDA-ARS Multicolored Ornamental Festuca Grass Cultivars “Freedom Fire” ‘Francy’, ‘Vida’, ‘Heidi’, and ‘Kim’ for Low-input Applications in Semiarid Environments. HortScience, 52:6, 925-931. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI11832-17
  • Robbins, M.D, Staub, J.E, Bushman, S., Ma, Y., Johnson, P.G, (2017). Assessment of Asian Festuca rubra germplasm for potential to improve rangeland sustainability in the western United States. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64:8, 1-18. doi: 10.1007/s10722-017-0502-8
  • Joshi, A., Bushman, S., Pickett, B., Robbins, M., Staub, J., Johnson, P.G, (2016). Phylogenetic relationships among low ploidy Poa species using chloroplast sequences. Genome, doi: 10.1139/gen-2016-0110
  • Bushman, S., Wang, L., Dai, X., Joshi, A., Robins, J.G, Johnson, P.G, (2016). Responses of tolerant and susceptible Kentucky bluegrass germplasm to salt stress. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science, 141:5, 449-456. doi: 10.21273/JASHS03755-16
  • Bushman, S., Amundsen, K.L, Warnke, S.E, Robins, J.G, Johnson, P.G, (2016). Transcriptome Profiling of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) Accessions in Response to Salt Stress. BMC Genomics, doi: DOI 10.1186/s12864-016-2379-x
  • Promchote, P., Wang, S., Johnson, P.G, (2016). Great Flood in Thailand: Climate Diagnostics and Implications from Climate Change. Journal of Climate, 29:1, 367-379.
  • Leksungnoen, N., Kjelgren, R.K, Richard, B., Johnson, P.G, Cardon, G., Hawks, A., (2014). Salt tolerance of three tree species differing in native habitats and leaf traits. HortScience, 49, 1194-1200.
  • Staub, J., Robbins, M., Ma, Y., Johnson, P.G, (2014). Phenotypic and genotypic analysis of U.S. native fine-leaved Festuca population reveals its potential use for low-input urban landscapes.. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 139:6, 706-715.
  • Johnson, P.G, Dai, X., Gurgel, R., (2014). Growth of Bella bluegrass compared to a standard KBG blend and tall fescue.. Applied Turfgrass Science, 11:1, doi: 10.2134/ATS-2014-0018-BR
  • Johnson, P.G, Johnson, D.A, Connors, K.J, (2013). Evaluation of Chinese and Kyrgyzstan grass germplasm collections for maintenance of green cover under limited irrigation in western North America. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 12, 305-317.
  • Bushman, S., Warnke, S.E, Amundsen, K.L, Combs, K.M, Johnson, P.G, (2013). Molecular markers highlight variation within and among Kentucky bluegrass varieties and accessions. Crop Science, 53, 2245-2254. doi: doi: 10.2135/cropsci2013.02.0110
  • Ma, Y., Staub, J.E, Robbins, M.D, Johnson, P.G, Larson, S.R, (2013). Phenotypic and genetic characterization of Kyrgyz fine-leaved Festuca valesiaca germplasm for use in semi-arid, low-maintenance turf applications. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, doi: DOI 10.1007/s10722-013-0025-x
  • Johnson, P.G, (2013). Priorities for turfgrass management and education to enhance urban sustainability worldwide. Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture, 8, 1-9.
  • Takrattanasaran, N., Chanchareonsook, J., Johnson, P.G, Thongpae, S., Sarobol, E., (2013). Amelioration of Zn deficiency of corn in calcareous soils of Thailand: Zn sources and application methods. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 36, 1275-1286. doi: DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2013.784983
  • Bushman, S., Waldron, B.L, Robins, J., Bhattarai, K., Johnson, P.G, (2012). Summer percent green cover among Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) cultivars, accessions, and other Poa species managed under deficit irrigation.. Crop Science, 52:1, 400-407.
  • Johnson, P.G, Johnson, D.A, Connors, K.J, Evaluation of Chinese and Kyrgyzstan grass germplasm collections for maintenance of green cover under limited irrigation in western North America.. International Turfgrass Research Journal
  • Johnson, P.G, Priorities for turfgrass management and education to enhance urban sustainability worldwide.. Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture, 8
  • Kjelgren, R.K, Hole, D.J, Johnson, P.G, (2012). Globally Engaging American Agriculture and Natural Resource Students through Service Learning Study Abroad. Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture, 7:1, 14-22.
  • Johnson, P.G, Van Dyke, A., Hodgson, E., Murray, M., Kopp, K., (2012). Interest, Incentives, and Education Towards Organic Golf Course Management: A Study of Utah Golf Course Superintendents.. Applied Turfgrass Science, doi: 10.1094/ATS-2012-0320-01-TT
  • Slavens, M.R, Johnson, P.G, Bugbee, B.G, (2011). Irrigation Frequency Differentially Alters Vegetative Growth and Seed Head Development of L. Biotypes. Crop science, 51:1, 314–322.
  • Rosenberg, D.E, Kopp, K., Kratsch, H., Rupp, L.A, Johnson, P.G, Kjelgren, R.K, (2011). Value Landscape Engineering: Identifying Costs, Water Use, Labor, and Impacts to Support Landscape Choice. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47:3, 635–649. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00530.x
  • Kelley, A.M, Johnson, P.G, Waldron, B.L, Peel, M.D, (2009). A survey of apomixis and ploidy levels among Poa L. (Poaceae) using flow cytometry. Crop Science, 45, 1395-1402.
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, (2009). Buffalograss Tolerance to Post-Emergence Herbicides in the Intermountain West. Applied Turfgrass Science, (online), doi: 10.1094/ATS-2009-0312-01-BR.
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, Grossl, P., (2009). Influence of humic acid on water retention and nutrient acquisition in simulated golf putting greens.. Soil Use and Management, 25, 255-261.
  • Robins, J.G, Bushman, B.S, Waldron, B.L, Johnson, P.G, (2009). Variation within Poa germplasm for salinity tolerance.. HortScience, 44, 1517-1521.
  • Bunderson, L.D, Johnson, P.G, Kopp, K., Van Dyke, A., (2009). Tools for evaluating native grasses as low maintenance turf. HortTechnology, 19, 626-632.
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, Grossl, P.R, (2008). Humic substances effect on moisture retention and phosphorous uptake in Intermountain West putting greens. Applied Turfgrass Science, (online), doi: doi:10.1094/ATS-2008-1006-01-RS
  • Robins, J.G, Waldron, B.L, Johnson, P.G, (2007). Potential for the improvement of turf quality in crested wheatgrass for low-maintenance conditions. HortScience, 42:7, 1526-1529.
  • Chang, S.W, Scheef, E., Abler, R.B, Thomson, S., Johnson, P.G, Jung, G., (2006). Distribution of Typhula spp. and Typhula ishkariensis varieties in Wisconsin, Utah, Michigan, and Minnesota. Phytopathology, 96, 926-933. doi: 10.1094/phyto-96-0926
  • Johnson, P.G, Larson, S.R, Anderton, A.L, Patterson, J.T, Cattani, D.J, Nelson, E.K, (2006). Pollen-mediated gene flow from Kentucky bluegrass under cultivated field conditions.. Crop Science, 46, 1990-1997. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2005.09.0316] [UAES Paper No. 7746
  • Hanks, J.D, Johnson, P.G, Waldron, B.L, (2006). Recommended seeding rates for reduced maintenance, turf-type wheatgrasses.. Applied Turfgrass Science, Online, doi: 10.1094/ats-2006-0808-01-rs]
  • Slavens, M., Johnson, P.G, Bugbee, B.G, (2005). Influence of Irrigation on Ecotype Selection in Annual Bluegrass..
  • Stewart, R., Kjelgren, R.K, Johnson, P.G, Kuhns, M.R, (2005). Growth and water relations of littleleaf linden trees in irrigated buffalograss and Kentucky bluegrass. HortScience, 40:5, 1529-1533.
  • Hanks, J.D, Waldron, B.L, Johnson, P.G, Jensen, K.B, Asay, K.H, (2005). Breeding CWG-R crested wheatgrass for reduced-maintenance turf.. Crop Science, 45, 524-528.
  • Johnson, P.G, (2005). Effects of irrigation and mowing on species diversity of grass and wildflower mixtures for the Intermountain West.. Native Plants Journal, 5, in press.
  • Patterson, J.T, Larson, S.R, Johnson, P.G, (2005). Genome relationships in polyploid Poa pratensis and other Poa species inferred from phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences. Genome, 48, 76-87.
  • Johnson, P.G, (2005). Growth and water relations of littleleaf linden trees established in irrigated buffalograss and Kentucky bluegrass. HortScience, 40, 1529-1533.
  • Stewart, R., Kjelgren, R.K, Johnson, P.G, Kuhns, M.R, (2004). Soil-water-use characteristics of precision-irrigated buffalograss and Kentucky bluegrass. Online Applied Turfgrass Science, doi:10.109
  • Brewer, H., Kjelgren, R.K, Johnson, P.G, (2004). A study of two methods of delivery computer aided diagnostic assistance for turfgrass problems on the web.. Issues in Information Systems, 5, 43-48.
  • Frank, K.W, Gaussoin, R.E, Riordan, T.P, Shearman, R.C, Fry, J.D, Miller, E.D, Johnson, P.G, (2004). Nitrogen Rate and Mowing Height Effects on Turf-Type Buffalograss.. Crop Science, 44, 1615-1621.
  • Johnson, P.G, (2004). Soil-water-use characteristics of precision-irrigated buffalograss and Kentucky bluegrass.. Applied Turfgrass Science [on-line journal]
  • Dewey, D.W, Johnson, P.G, Kjelgren, R.K, (2004). Species composition changes in a rooftop grass and wildflower meadow: Implications for designing successful mixtures.. Native Plants Journal, 5, 57-65.
  • Johnson, P.G, (2003). Mixtures of buffalograss and fine fescues for season long turf color. HortScience, 38, 1214-1217.
  • Johnson, P.G, Koenig, R.T, Kopp, K., (2003). Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium responses and requirements in calcareous sand greens. Agronomy Journal, 95, 697-702.
  • Johnson, P.G, Winger, M.B, (2003). The Carbon County Ball Fields. J. Nat. Res. Life Sci. Edu., 32, 80-86.
  • Maurer, M.A, Auld, D.A, Murphy, C.L, McKenney, C.B, Johnson, P.G, Kenworthy, K.E, (2002). Evaluation of twenty-six buffalograss cultivars and accessions for use as turfgrass on the high plains of West Texas. Texas J. of Ag. and Nat. Res., 14, 24-36.
  • Johnson, P.G, Kenworthy, K.E, Auld, D.L, Riordan, T.P, (2001). Distribution of buffalograss polyploid variation in the southern Great Plains. Crop Science, 41, 909-913.
  • Vinsonhaler, J.F, Johnson, P.G, (2001). TurfDoctor: A web-based expert system for turfgrass problem diagnosis and treatment. Intrl. Turfgrass Society Research J., 9, 115-119.
  • Johnson, P.G, Riordan, T.P, (2001). Unbalanced chromosome number and inbreeding effects on fertility and plant vigor in buffalograss. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 9, 176-179.
  • Johnson, P.G, Riordan, T.P, Johnson-Cicalese, J., (2000). Low mowing tolerance in buffalograss. Crop Science, 40, 1339-1343.
  • Riordan, T.P, Gaussoin, R.E, Shearman, R.c, Johnson, P.G, Johnson-Cicalese, J., Baxendale, F.B, Klucas, R.V, (2000). Registration of '118' Buffalograss.. Crop Science, 40, 570-571.
  • Johnson-Cicalese, J., Johnson, P.G, Riordan, T.P, Gaussoin, R.E, Baxendale, F.B, Watkins, J., Klucas, R.V, (2000). Registration of '120' Buffalograss. Crop Science, 40, 571-572.
  • Johnson, P.G, Riordan, T.P, Gaussoin, R.E, Shearman, R.C, Johnson-Cicalese, J., Baxendale, F.B, Klucas, R.V, (2000). Registration of '61' Buffalograss. Crop Science, 40, 569-570.
  • Johnson, P.G, Riordan, T.P, Meier, V., (1999). Review of issues pertaining to transgenic turfgrasses. HortScience, 34, 594-598.
  • Johnson, P.G, Arumuganathan, K., Riordan, T.P, (1998). Chromosome number an nuclear DNA content of buffalograss clones and populations. Crop Science, 38, 478-482.
  • Auld, D.L, McKenney, C.B, Kenworthy, K.E, Jack, K.D, Allen, V.G, Johnson, P.G, (1998). Collection and Evaluation of Buffalograss from the Southern Great Plains. Proc., Native Plant Society of Texas, The Llano Estacado/Southern High Plains and its Many Ecosystems, 71-75.
  • Johnson, P.G, White, D.B, (1998). Inheritance of flowering pattern among four annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) genotypes. Crop Science, 38, 163-168.
  • Johnson, P.G, White, D.B, (1997). Flowering responses of selected annual bluegrass.(Poa annua L.) under different photoperiod and cold treatments. Crop Science, 37, 1543-1547.
  • Riordan, T.P, Johnson, P.G, Gaussoin, R., Svoboda, J.F, (1997). Seedling germination and establishment of buffalograss caryopses vs burs. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 8, 749-756.
  • Johnson, P.G, (1997). Seedling germination and establishment of buffalograss caryopses vs burs. Intrl. Turfgrass Soc. Research J.,, 8, 749-756.
  • Johnson, P.G, Riordan, T.P, Gaussoin, R., Schwarze, D., Kerner, K., (1997). Vegetative establishment of buffalograss with plugs: Method and management. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 8, 467-476.
  • Johnson, P.G, White, D.B, (1997). Vernalization requirements among selected genotypes of annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.). Crop Science, 37, 1538-1542.
  • Johnson, P.G, (1993). Reproductive biology in Poa annua L.. International Turfgrass Research Journal, 7, 798-804.

Professional Journal

Public or Trade Journal

  • Kopp, K., Johnson, P.G, Klotz, E., Miller, C., (2015). Water Use Efficiency on Golf Courses in Utah. Golf Course Management, 83, 114-117. *
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, Grossl, P.R, (2009). Effects of humic acid on greens. Golf Course Management, 77(11), 82-90. *
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, Grossl, P., (2009). Honing in on organic substances. Golf Course Industry Magazine, 9-Apr, 74-78. *
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, Grossl, P., (2009). Influence of humic acid on water retention and nutrient uptake in simulated putting greens.. USGA Turfgrass and Environmantal Research, 8:12, 1-10. *
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, Paul, G., Grossl, P., (2009). Honing in on Humic Substances. Golf Course Industry Magazine, 4, 74-78. *
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, Grossl, P., (2009). Humic substances effect on moisture retention, nutrition, and color of Intermountain West putting greens. USGA Turf & Environmental Research Online, 8:4, 1-9. doi: 10.1094/ATS-2008-1006-01-RS *
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, (2008). Influence of humic substances on moisture retention and phosphorous uptake of putting greens.. USGA Green Section Record, 42:2, 9-10. *
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, (2007). Effect of humic substances on moisture retention of putting greens. Golf Course Management, 75:11, 96. *
  • Van Dyke, A., Johnson, P.G, (2007). Do humic substances bolster water and nutrient availability?. Turfgrass Trends, 7-Apr *
  • Johnson, P.G, Koenig, R.T, Kopp, K.L, (2002). Fertilizing Calcareous Sand Greens. Golf Course Management, 70:12, 81-84. *
  • Johnson, P.G, Koenig, R., Kopp, K., (2002). Fertilizing calcareous sand greens. Golf Course Management, 70, 81-84. *
  • Johnson, P.G, Riordan, T.P, Johnson-Cicalese, J., (2001). Buffalograss Can Tolerate Low Mowing. Golf Course Management, 69:(10), 63-65. *
  • Waldron, B.L, Asay, K.H, Jensen, K.B, Johnson, P.G, (2001). RoadCrest: A grass for semi-arid regions. Golf Course Management, 69:6, 71-74. *
  • Johnson, P.G, Riordan, T.P, (1999). Buffalograss: Home on the Range. Golf Course Management, 67:6, 66-68. *
  • Riordan, T., Johnson, P.G, (1996). New Buffalograss Cultivars. Turf Trends, 6:5, 13-14. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1995). Homeowner Fertilizer Practices and Turf Quality Management. Hole Notes March *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1994). Flowering Habits in Poa annua L. Selections. Hole Notes April *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | MultiMedia


  • Rosenberg, D., Kopp, K., Kratsch, H., Kjelgren, R., Rupp, L., Johnson, P.G, (2011). Value Landscape Engineering.

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Technical Reports

AES Reports

  • Johnson, P.G, (2000). 1999 Turf and Ornamental Research Report. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2000). Turfgrass and Ornamental Research Report 2000. UAES Report No. 180 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1999). 1998 Turf and Ornamental Research Report. *

Research Reports

  • Rupp, L.A, Kopp, K., Endter-Wada, J.L, Sun, Y., Johnson, P.G, Schaible, C., (2019). Annual Report of the Center for Water Efficient Landscaping (2019). *
  • Rupp, L.A, Endter-Wada, J.L, Johnson, P.G, Kopp, K., Sun, Y., Wheaton, A., (2018). Annual Report of the Center for Water Efficient Landscaping (2018). *
  • Rupp, L.A, Kopp, K., Kjelgren, R.K, Johnson, P.G, Extension Water Initiative Interim Report - Center for Water Efficient Landscaping. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1997). Breeding and Management of Buffalograss for Golf Course Turf. United States Golf Association Interim (Spring) Progress Report *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1997). Breeding and Management of Buffalograss for Golf Course Turf. United States Golf Association Annual Progress Report *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1996). Breeding and Management of Buffalograss for Golf Course Turf. United States Golf Association Interim (Spring) Progress Report *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1996). Breeding and Management of Buffalograss for Golf Course Turf. United States Golf Association Annual Progress Report *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1995). Breeding and Management of Buffalograss for Golf Course Turf. United States Golf Association Annual Progress Report *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other


  • Cerny, T., Kuhns, M.R, Kopp, K., Johnson, P.G, (2002). Efficient irrigation of woody landscape plants. Utah State Univ. Extension Fact Sheet

Magazine/Trade Publications

  • Evans, S.R, Kopp, K., Johnson, P.G, Hansen, N.C, Hopkins, B.G, (2020). More "Pop" per Drop: Smart Irrigation. SportsField Management *
  • Johnson, P.G, Kopp, K., (2004). Maximum length of summer dormancy in Kentucky bluegrass without or with minimal irrigation. TurfNews [TPI] *



  • Johnson, P.G, (2008). Do humic substances influence moisture retension and phosphorous uptake in putting greens?. Thesis, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Climate, Utah State University, Logan, UT *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2008). National turfgrass variety trial research. IGCSA Greens Examiner *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2007). Reproductive fitness of transgenic Poa hybrids. Thesis: Dept. of Plants, Soils, and Climate *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2007). Apomixis in Poa species. Thesis: Department of Plants, Soils, and Climate *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2007). Mixtures of native and adapted grasses for turfgras use. Thesis; Dept. of Plants, Soils, and Climate *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2006). Turfgrass cultivation (aerification). Utah State University Extension fact sheet HG/Turf/2006-02 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2006). Water-wise landscaping: practical turfgrass areas. Utah State University Extension fact sheet HG/Turf/2006-01 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2006). Influence of water stress on biotype selection of Poa annua L. on simulated golf course greens. Thesis: Dept. of Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2005). Life history traits in Poa annua L. Populations throughout Utah's Diverse Environments. Thesis: Dept. of Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2004). Late fall fertilizer: One of the best things you can do to your turf!. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, September *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2004). Genome relationships in the genus Poa inferred from nuclear and chloroplast gene phylogenies. Thesis: Dept. of Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2004). Turfgrass cultivars for Utah.. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2004). Maximum length of summer dormancy in Kentucky bluegrass without or with minimal irrigation. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association newsletter, May *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2004). Progress report on Poa annua research. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, February *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2003). The Education Season. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, November *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2003). Recovery from summer: Take advantage of the natural life cycle of the turfgrasses. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, September *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2003). National Turfgrass Initiative: Its time for golf course superintendents to become politically active!. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, May *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2003). Turf Emphasis Added at Utah State. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, April *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2003). Development of turf-type crested wheatgrasses as reduced-maintenance turfgrass. Thesis: Dept. of Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2003). Exciting Time at USU. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter. March *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2003). Soil Moisture Sensors. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, March *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2003). Tri-Societies Update. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, January *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2002). Finding a drought tolerant, low-maintenance grass/wildflower mixture that maintains species diversity. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2002). Development of an grass-forb mixture adapted to the Intermountain West. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2002). Wheatgrass germplasm development for turfgrass use. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2002). Landscape Water Use Workbook. USU Extension *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2002). Silver Bullets. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, June *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2002). Basic Turfgrass Care. USU Extension Publication. April *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2002). Growing Turf on Salt-Affected Sites. USU Extension Publication, April *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2002). Snow Mold Research. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, March *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2001). Internships Wanted. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter. December *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2001). Implementing water conservation in an institutional setting. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2001). Water Ordinances and Water Issues. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, May *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2000). Research Corner. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, November *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2000). Dealing with Low Quality Irrigation Water. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, September *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2000). 2000 Turfgrass and Ornamental Field Day. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, July *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2000). Using NTEP Data. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, May *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2000). Turfgrass Extension and Research at Thanksgiving Point. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, March *
  • Johnson, P.G, (2000). Turfgrass Management--Buck Rogers Style. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, January *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1999). USU Update. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, July *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1999). 1998 Results from the 1996 National Buffalograss Trial. 1998 Nebraska Turfgrass Research Report. R.C. Sherman and M.R. Vaitkus, eds. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1999). Evaluation of Buffalograss for Low Mowing and Wear Tolerance. 1998 Nebraska Turfgrass Research Report. R.C. Shearman and M.R. Vaitkus (ed.) *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1999). Biotechnology is Coming to Turfgrasses. Intermountain Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter, March *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1998). Evaluation of Buffalograss Germplasm under Low Maintenance and Low-mowing Conditions. 1997 Turfgrass Research Report. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1998). Flow Cytometry of Buffalograss Accessions. 1997 Turfgrass Research Report. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1998). National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) 1996 Buffalograss Test. 1997 Turfgrass Research Report, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1997). 1997 Turfgrass Research Report, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln.. *
  • Johnson, P.G, Riordan, T., Wit, L., (1997). Buffalograss Breeding and Evaluation. 1996 Turfgrass Research Report. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1996). 1996 Turfgrass Research Report, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln.. *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1996). Analysis of Ploidy Level in Buffalograss Using Flow Cytometry. 1996 Turfgrass Research Report, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1996). Buffalograss Cultivar and Selection Performance in Evaluation Trials. 1995 Turfgrass Research Report. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, pg. 28-32 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1996). Identification of ploidy level of buffalograss accessions using flow cytometry. 1995 Turfgrass Research Report. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, pg. 39-40 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1996). Relationshiop between trichome density and geographic distribution in buffalograss. 1995 Turfgrass Research Report, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, pg. 41-42 *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1995). Genetics and Physiology of Flowering in Selected Poa annua L.. PhD Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1993). Characteristics of Natural and Manufactured Fertilizers for Lawns. Minnesota Extension Service Fact Sheet (AG-FS-5774-A) *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1993). Seeding and Sodding Home Lawns. Minnesota Extension Service Fact Sheet (AG-FS-5775-A) *
  • Johnson, P.G, (1991). Factors affecting seed set of Poa annua L. using an excised stem technique. MS Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2024
PSC 4100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2024
PSC 4890 - Senior Seminar, Spring 2024
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2023
PSC 4100, 6100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2023
PSC 4890 - Senior Seminar, Spring 2023
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2022
PSC 4100, 6100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2022
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2021
PSC 4100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2021
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2020
PSC 4100, 6100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2020
PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Fall 2019
PSC 6900 - Special Problems in Plants, Soils, and/or Climate, Fall 2019
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2019
PSC 4100, 6100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2019
PSC 4280 - World Field Cropping Systems, Spring 2019
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2018
PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Summer 2018
PSC 6990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Spring 2018
PSC 4100, 6100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2018
PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Spring 2018
PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Fall 2017
PSC 6900 - Special Problems in Plants, Soils, and/or Climate, Fall 2017
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2017
PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Summer 2017
PSC 6250 - Water Efficient Landscaping Summer Immersion for MPSH Program, Summer 2017
PSC 5100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2017
PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Spring 2017
PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Spring 2017
PSC 6900 - Special Problems in Plants, Soils, and/or Climate, Fall 2016
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2016
PSC 6900 - Special Problems in Plants, Soils, and/or Climate, Summer 2016
PSC 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Spring 2016
PSC 5100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2016
PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Spring 2016
PSC 6900 - Special Problems in Plants, Soils, and/or Climate, Fall 2015
PSC 7900 - Special Problems in Plants, Soils, and/or Climate, Fall 2015
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2015
PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Summer 2015
PSC 6990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Spring 2015
PSC 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Spring 2015
PSC 5100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2015
PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Spring 2015
PSC 6900 - Special Problems in Plants, Soils, and/or Climate, Fall 2014
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2014
PSC 6890,7890 - Plants, Soils, and Climate Graduate Seminar, Spring 2014
PSC 5100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2014
PSC 5100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2014
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2013
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2013
PSC 5100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2013
PSC 3810,6900 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2012
PSC 6990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Summer 2012
PSC 5100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2012
PSC 5100 - Professional Turf and Urban Landscape Water Management, Spring 2012
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2011
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2011
USU 1010 - University Connections, Fall 2011
PSC 6970 - RESEARCH & THESIS, Spring 2011
PSC 6970 - Research and Thesis, Fall 2010
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2010
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2010
PSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2010
PLSC 4800 - Advanced Turfgrass Management, 2010
PLSC 4810 - Advanced Turfgrass Management, Spring 2010
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2009
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2009
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2008
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2008
PLSC 4800 - Advanced Turfgrass Management, 2008
PLSC 4810 - Advanced Turfgrass Management, 2008
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2007
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2007
PLSC 4900 - Turfgrass Science, Special Problems, 2007
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2006
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2006
PLSC 4800 - Advanced Turfgrass Management, 2006
PLSC 4810 - Advanced Turfgrass Management, 2006
PLSC 6230 - Readings in Landscape Water Conservation, Spring 2006
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2005
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2005
PLSC 4900 - Turfgrass Science, Special Problems, 2005
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2004
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2004
PLSC 4800 - Advanced Turfgrass Management, 2004
PLSC 4810 - Advanced Turfgrass Management, 2004
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2003
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2003
PLSC 4900 - Turfgrass Science, Special Problems, 2003
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2002
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2002
PLSC 4800 - Advanced Turfgrass Management, 2002
PLSC 4810 - Advanced Turfgrass Management, 2002
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2001
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2001
PLSC 4900 - Turfgrass Science, Special Problems, 2001
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2000
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 2000
PLSC 4900 - Turfgrass Science, Special Problems, 2000
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 1999
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 1999
PLSC 3800 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 1998
PLSC 3810 - Turfgrass Management, Fall 1998
Horticulture 425 - Turfgrass Science, 1997
Horticulture 825 - Turfgrass Science, 1997
Horticulture 425 - Turfgrass Science, 1995
Horticulture 825 - Turfgrass Science, 1995


Education on waterwise landscape design and efficient irrigation, 2022 - Ongoing
Applied Water Conservation and Turfgrass Research, 2001 - 2035
Extension Turfgrass Education, 2001 - 2035
Extension Water Conservation Education, 2001 - 2035
Propagation of Native Plants for Landscape Use, 2007 - 2019
Gene flow among Poa species, 2000 - 2006

Graduate Students Mentored

Dalton Jones, Plants, Soils, and Climate, May 2024
Will Krause, Plants, Soils, and Climate, May 2024 - December 2024
Paul Harris, Plants, Soils, and Climate, August 2014 2020
Hang Duong, Plants, Soils, and Climate, May 2009 2014
Lijun Wang, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2013
Nisa Leksungnoen, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2012
Yingmei Ma, Plants, Soils, and Climate, June 2010 - August 2012
Shyam Shridhar, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2009
Adam Van Dyke, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2008
Beth Gonzales, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2008
John Walker, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2008
Alicia Kelley, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2007
Amy Anderton, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2007
Landon Bunderson, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2007
Jeff Petersen, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2006
Mark Slavens, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2005
Alex Stoy, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2004
Jason Patterson, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2004
Daniel Dewey, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2002
Justin Hanks, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2002
Douglas Kilgren, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2001