Contest rules are simple:
Create a clever, funny, or provocative marketing message that connects clean air actions to what’s important to you and your target audiences (e.g., how not idling your car saves gas and money or how riding your bike to school makes you look cool and fit or how carpooling helps keep the air clean for pregnant women and their fetuses).
Ensure your marketing message is in line with accurate air quality science.
Use original artwork or photography only — no copyrighted photos, memes, or images off the Internet, and no AI-generated images. Funny parodies of pop culture and movies are welcomed. For example, “Stop idling, or Idle be back for you!” is a great send up of the popular Terminator movie, but you can’t use an actual photo of the actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Rather, you need to create your own photo or artwork that lampoons the original movie or iconic image.
Although we highly encourage assistance from teachers, the final submission must be the original work of the student.
Include a clean air action statement (e.g., “Don’t idle” or “Carpool”) or make it strongly implied (e.g., “My mom idles less than your mom!”). The action statement must fall in line with actions recommended by credible research to improve air quality.
Talk to your parents and friends about your messages and ideas!
Submit your entries as an electronic file or as artwork on poster board to your teacher or advisor.