Small Farm Water Quality Improvement Project

The small farm water quality improvement project will offer a unique funding avenue for small farms and agricultural operations to improve the state of their surrounding water quality. Farms located in Box Elder, Cache, Weber, Juab, Summit, Millard and Morgan counties are eligible to apply. Awarded funding can be used for projects that help with fencing, water pumps, berms, corrals, and other best management practices that improves waste management and promotes water quality. Please note that the focus of this program is to improve water quality rather than conservation and/or efficiency. Projects that improve water conservation without improving water quality will be rejected without review.
Applicants may apply for up to $10,000 per project. The overall awarding of funds is based on an 80% award and 20% match from the applicant. The 20% may be given in cash, in-kind labor, or in-kind materials. For questions on budgets, please feel free to reach out to Josh-
Applications are due no later than August 15, 2021.
All projects must be completed no later than April 1, 2022.