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David Secrist

David Secrist

Professor of Professional Practice Beef Cattle Extension Specialist

Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences

Phone: 435-797-2171
Office Location: 4815 Old Main Hill, AGRS 239, Logan, Utah 84322


Dr. David S. Secrist has deep roots in Utah.  At an early age, he spent summers working on a family cattle and sheep ranch in Grouse Creek, Utah.  David completed a B.S. in Animal Science and an M.S. in Ruminant Nutrition (1988 and 1990) at Utah State University.   After managing a small cow-calf operation in Northwestern Utah for three years, he went to Oklahoma State University, where he completed a Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition in 1996.

After completing his formal education in 1996, Dr. Secrist took a technical services position with Farmland Industries.  Over the next five years, he did nutritional work with feedlots and large cow/calf operations across seven states.  David joined Agri Beef Inc in January of 2001, as the General Manager at a large cattle feeding operation in Moses Lake, WA. 

After eight years at Agri Beef, Dr. Secrist was given the opportunity to join AgReserves, Inc. in April 2009.  He was integral in moving to a fully integrated beef supply chain with the purchase of a feedlot in 2010 and a value-based marketing arrangement with a major packer.  David has been involved in managing the ARI feedlot, dairy, and several cow-calf and stocker operations in the Western and Central U.S. and Canada over the last fifteen years.

Dr. Secrist joined Utah State University as the Extension Beef Cattle Specialist in May 2024.   He has a great love for the cattle industry and is excited to work with beef producers in Utah.  



PhD, Animal Science (Ruminant Nutrition), Oklahoma State University, 1996

MS, Animal Science (Ruminant Nutrition), Utah State University, 1990

BS, Bioveterinary Science/Animal Science, Utah State University, 1988