Park Policies
These Park Policies, along with referenced publications, have been established to ensure a safe and orderly environment for all visitors and staff. The Bastian Agriculural Center (formerly known as the Salt Lake County Equestrian Park and Event Center) is a public park. Anyone using the park, visiting or entering the grounds of the Park are required to adhere to the following policies:
General Operating Policies
Visitors or employees of the Park will not engage in any illegal activities. This includes activities that would:
- Conflict with any applicable law, ordinance, rule or regulation of any governmental authority.
- Conflict with any Park policies and rules. Park rules may change without notice at any time, as deemed necessary by Park management.
- Invalidate insurance or increase the rate of insurance on the Park.
- Constitute any waste, nuisance or disturbance of another patron’s Park use in any manner which causes injury to the Park.
ADA Compliant
As a facility of public accommodation, the Park complies in all respects with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Clients are also required to comply with the provisions of this law in the design and set-up of their event.
Alcohol, which includes beer, spirits and wine, is not permitted in the Park. Failure to abide by this rule may result in removal from the Park, eviction and action by local law enforcement.
Amplifies Sound
Arena sound is permitted with permission of Bastian Agricultural Center Management. Visitors are asked to be considerate of others when using personal music systems. Salt Lake County noise ordinances are in effect.
Children in the Park
The Bastian Agricultural Center is not a traditional park, but is a working park with live animals. Visitors will supervise and control all children for whom they are responsible. Please use common sense when bringing children to the Park. Responsible parties must supervise children and guests so that they are not:
- Touching horses that belong to someone else
- Within three feet of the front of any stall
- Touching or playing with things that belong to someone else
- Playing on, with or around any structures, stalls, bins, gates, etc.
- Opening gates or stalls that belong to someone else
- Climbing up and down the bleachers
- Swinging on panels, gates or railings
- Riding bicycles, scooters or skating in the indoor arena or near the doors
- Out of your sight
Patrons will be responsible for all damages to Bastian Agricultural Center Property caused by their animal(s), employees, relatives or guests.
Dogs in the Park
Dogs are permitted in designated areas. They are not permitted to be on the concourse at any time. Dogs are not allowed to run with horses, leashed or unleashed, while in arenas. Owners must accompany their dogs at all times and keep them on a leash. Owners must clean up after their pets. Owners are solely responsible for any damage or injury caused by their dogs.
Hours of Operation
Patrons who board horses at the Park have access to their animals at any time. Barn lights must be out by 11:00 p.m. Riders may use arenas that are available for Open Ride dependent on event activity. Open Ride schedules are posted to our Open Ride Calendar, or you may call 801-253-5185 or email us at The office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call for schedules of reduced hours on these days: Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, Easter, Independence Day and Pioneer Day. The Park is closed on New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Motorized Vehicles
Motorized vehicles are allowed only on designated roadways within the Park.
Overnight Camping
Overnight camping in an RV or trailer is allowed in conjunction with an event, with approval from the Event Manager. Fees apply. Contact the front desk for further information. Tent camping is not allowed.
Prohibited Activities
- Fires
- Golfing
- Shooting
- Archery
- Fireworks
Any questions, special requests for policy variations or exceptions should be submitted to the Facility Director for review. Responses will be issued in writing.
Rule Enforcement
Bastian Agricultural Center Staff are responsible for the general safety of the facility, boarders, users and welfare of the animals. They are also responsible for the care and use of the facility, collection of monies and the enforcement of Park policy. They are empowered to use their judgment to make sure policies are followed. Immediate cooperation with their requests is mandatory. Failure to comply may result in facility users losing riding privileges and may result in eviction from the Park. Please see Violation of Park Policy.
If you feel threatened, have had something stolen or you witness someone committing a crime or drinking alcohol within the Park, we ask that you contact South Jordan Police Department at 801-840-4000 for non-emergencies and 911 for emergencies.
In accordance with the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act, effective January 1, 1995, smoking is prohibited entirely in all Utah State University buildings, sports arena facilities used by the public, and work areas. Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of building entrances, exits, air intakes, windows, barns, indoor arenas, crows nests, offices, tack rooms, etc.
Stealing, which includes, but is not limited to, taking shavings, hay or other items for use; stealing tack; and, theft of services for not paying riding fees, can result in arrest. Additionally, those caught stealing will be evicted and banned from the Park and they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We encourage boarders who have had items stolen to file charges, as well.
Trash & Recycling - No Littering or Dumping
Garbage cans are for trash. No manure is allowed in cans; please use manure bins. No outside manure or shavings can be dumped in our compost pile or collection bins for any reason. If you are caught disposing of manure or shavings brought in from another location, you will be prosecuted.