Biosecurity Guide (Outline) - For Specific Farm

  1. Perimeter Security

    Hazard - stray animals; un-informed; un-thinking

    1. Fences / Barriers

      Panels or chain link - ?small enough openings to contain escaping animals

    2. Signs

      "Stop! Biosecure Area; Restricted Entry; Contact Farm Manager or Call XXXX for entry permission"

  2. Approved Visitor Procedure

    Hazard - manure on footwear and tires; disease transfer from animals to human

    1. Signs directing to office prior to entrance (see perimeter)

    2. Parking area

    3. Entry point to animals

      Boot brush / Boot Bath - at least available for special times

      Footwear covers

    4. Screening of visitors

      Foreign travel in last 14 days? Clinician permission before entry

      Foot wear to other farms? Footlets or boot bath

      Need to handle animals? Clean clothes or clean coveralls

      Caution for toddlers and children for their safety

      Students - boot and coverall policy

    5. Children NOT pet animals


      Standard letter to go from Office to Teacher, prior to visit

      Protect feet; provide handwashing

    6. Students - boot and coverall policy

      Use boot bath on entry and leaving

      Wear clean coveralls each time

    7. Equipment / Facilities

      boot brush / bath

      disposable boots or foot covers

      clean coveralls / clothes to handle animals

      hand washing site and shoe cleaning area for children

  3. Farm Personnel

    Hazard - manure on footwear, vehicles, clothes;

    1. Farm-specific boots, coveralls

      Will be provided by farm for employees

    2. Boot bath and clean coveralls if to other farm - or prefer they change

    3. Vehicle traffic from farm to farm (tractor, truck, trailer)

      Wash tires if go through manure

      Wash vehicle if haul manure or animals

  4. Effective boot bath

    1. Boot brush site

    2. Water and Brush

    3. Brush off boots then stand in pan of disinfectant and brush off boots, change often

  5. Animal movement

    Hazards - disease carried but not evident, even with testing

    - stray, purchased, brought-in, boarding

    1. Isolation 21-30 days - observe for illness; test

      AI cows, etc. - only exit is culling (NOT to be put into farm herds or flocks)

    2. Clean vehicle used for hauling

    3. Test for specific diseases - Clinicians

    4. Herd of origin status / testing - Clinicians

  6. Feed and water

    Hazards - BSE, Salmonella, E. coli, Neospora, Toxoplasmosis

    1. Keep dogs/cats out of feed and feed mangers (bird control)

    2. Use NO feed with ruminant protein; document protein supplement used

    3. Clean out water troughs often - scheduled

  7. Vehicle movement

    Hazard - manure on tires, in trailer

    1. Fence / Barrier to keep most vehicles in parking area and out of animal area

    2. Specific loading/unloading area - at isolation pen area, etc.

    3. Clean tires before entry/departure - if manure contaminated

    4. Bedding in trailer - clean out to safe place; wash

  8. Manure management

    Hazard - manure to feed / mouth

    1. Separate tractor bucket to move feed than to move manure or wash off often wash off tires after scraping manure, before using in feed

    2. Apply manure to ground for plowing or compost it

      Develop compost area and methods on blacktop

    3. Clean manure off boots and tires before entry to animal or feed areas

      Employees, students, faculty, visitors; wear footwear covers

    4. Don't walk or drive in feed areas

  9. Prepared for total lock-down in emergency (animals / people / products)