Dark Sky Observations Course

Dark Skies are a critical component for many species here on earth to thrive. In each Dark Sky Observations course, you will explore the solar system, learn about the planets, stars and constellations, and the ways that we can help protect our dark skies.  You'll also have an opportunity to learn how to operate a telescope as we observe the night sky. 

Dark Sky Observations was created to help meet the growing demand for trained staff and volunteers to provide dark sky programs for astrotourism. The course is the result of years of work by several cooperating agencies, including Cedar Breaks National Monument that developed the Master Astronomer Program, Utah State Parks, and Utah Master Naturalist.  

Each Utah Master Naturalist course consists of 40 hours of instruction, with approximately 16 hours covered in the online course, and the remaining 24 hours spent outdoors in a field course.  Field course activities will include instructor-led discussions, guest presentations on relevant resource issues, small group activities, and open discussions. 

Course Materials

Upcoming Courses
Night sky

Full courses include an online class and three field days. If you are unable to attend a full course, there is an option to register for the online course only.

Register for an Online Course

Photos from Past Courses


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Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter
1258 Center Dr
Park City, UT 84098

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The Utah Master Naturalist program is a Utah State University Extension certification program that teaches and certifies master naturalist volunteers and professionals. In operation since 2007, Utah Master Naturalist was developed in partnership with over 25 organizations in Utah. Designed as a knowledge-sharing program, certified Utah Master Naturalists promote stewardship of Utah's natural resources within their communities by providing education, outreach, and service.

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