Research Articles

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Recent Research Articles

Confidence and Resilience: Bouncing Back from Setbacks

Research has provided valuable insights into how individuals can develop confidence and resilience to recover from adversity. Confidence is the belief in your abilities and judgment, which drives you to take action despite fears and uncertainties. Resilie...

The Power of Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

While low self-esteem and self-confidence can indeed have negative impacts on various aspects of life, it's important to remember that there is hope for improvement and growth. Cultivating healthy coping mechanisms that foster the growth of confidence and...

Fostering Confidence Through Tranquil Moments

Prioritizing time for moments of tranquility proves to be highly valuable and is a cost-effective approach to cultivating confidence. Below are recommendations for incorporating calming practices into your routine:

Moab Local Food Guide 2024

Those growing and producing food within a 100 mile radius from Moab have been included in this guide to help YOU make locally sourced purchasing decisions!

So, You’re Going on a Trail Ride

Horse trail rides are unique and enriching experiences for people of all ages. These serene journeys through nature provide an opportunity to connect with horses, appreciate their gentle nature, and develop a deeper understanding of their role in our live...

Utah Farmers Market Network - Market Manager Handbook

Utah’s farmers markets reside and operate on the territories of the eight tribes of Utah, who have been living, working, and residing on this land from time immemorial. These tribes are the Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Indians, Navajo Nation, Ute In...

Impact of Diet and Parkinson's Disease

Diet may impact Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms. Recommendations suggest anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich food choices. The Mediterranean or MIND diets may be of most benefit to patients. Research is ongoing for tailored dietary patterns.

Finding a Diabetes Community

Connecting with others can be an excellent way for you to find others who “get it” and understand the unique challenges associated with T1D. A community can be where you can get and give support, share practical strategies, and minimize isolation.

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