2018 Watershed Interpretation

    2018 Watershed Interpretation

    Explore water quality in your watershed using Utah Water Watch data. 

    Maps below are interactive and show average summer temperature and dissolved oxygen during the months of July, August, and September. During these months, temperature and dissolved oxygen levels are often stressful for aquatic organisms.

    • Click the top left corner to toggle between temperature and dissolved oxygen (click in the check box to layer turn on/off).

    symbolrepresent temperature

    symbol represent dissolved oxygen 

    *While in the "Legend", click the arrow to the far right of temperature or dissolved oxygen layers to see the full legend.*

    • Click on the site icons to see the details at each site, including maximum water temperature, minimum dissolved oxygen, and the number of observations.
      • Remember: Conditions become stressful when temperature in cold-water fisheries reaches above 20ºC and dissolved oxygen below 6mg/L.  

    Quick links to maps:

    For other graphs and interpretations of UWW data, go here


    Escalante River Watershed 2016-2018

    Weber Watershed 2015-2018

    See instructions above for assistance with the map. 

    Jordan River Watershed 2016-2018

    See instructions above for assistance with the map. 

    Utah Lake Watershed 2016-2018

    See instructions above for assistance with the map. 

    View larger map

    Little Bear-Logan Watershed 2016-2018

    See instructions above for assistance with the map.