Brown Banded Cockroach

Supella longipalpa

Adult Brown Banded Cockroach

Adult brown banded cockroach (Kansas Department of Agriculture Archive,

Brown Banded

Brown banded cockroach nymphs and fecal matter (Gary Alpert, Harvard University,


Brown banded cockroach eggs (Pest and Diseases Image Library,


  • about 1/2 inch long; brown with light band behind head
  • bell-shaped pattern on the back of the head

Nesting Habits

  • egg capsules are fastened to walls, ceilings, and in protected areas
  • found in warmer, drier areas than the other common roaches– ceilings, high areas on walls, picture frames, furniture, etc.


  • may consume materials like glue or paste, starch and certain color dyes present in stamps, older books and draperies


  • chew on nonfood materials such as fabric
  • feed on and harbor within food stored indoors
  • can transmit disease
  • can trigger asthma or allergic reactions

IPM Recommendations

  • Educate occupants of building or room(s) of their role in eliminating roaches.
  • Improve sanitation.
  • Store food in pest-proof containers.
  • Inspect and monitor all areas where food is prepared, stored, or eaten and where moisture and heat are present.
  • Use cockroach traps to determine species, harborage location and movement.
  • Vacuum (with a HEPA filter) existing roaches and ootheca (egg cases).
  • Use roach baits and/or boric acid dust.

Additional Resources:

Cockroaches fact sheet

IPM for Cockroaches: Integrated Pest Management in Sensitive Environments (University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension)