Health Equity Fact Sheets

Health Equity Fact Sheets
American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities have experienced rising rates of opioid overdose death over the past two decades. The opioid overdose death rate involving any opioid for the AI/AN population rose from 2.9 per 100,000 people in 1999 t
Cross-Cultural Collaborations for Addressing Opioid Use Disorders in Utah

Cross-Cultural Collaborations for Addressing Opioid Use Disorders in Utah

American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities have experienced rising rates of opioid overdose death over the past two decades. The opioid overdose death rate involving any opioid for the AI/AN population rose from 2.9 per 100,000 people in 1999 t...

Health Equity Fact Sheets
The long-term impacts of chronic pain often cause individuals to reduce or eliminate physical activity.
Exercise and Chronic Pain

Exercise and Chronic Pain

The long-term impacts of chronic pain often cause individuals to reduce or eliminate physical activity.

Health Equity Fact Sheets
As a parent, consider the following actions you can take to support your child and family if you suspect your child is using opioids. A number of resources, both local and national, are listed at the end of this fact sheet for further guidance and support
If You Suspect Your Child Is Using Opioids

If You Suspect Your Child Is Using Opioids

As a parent, consider the following actions you can take to support your child and family if you suspect your child is using opioids. A number of resources, both local and national, are listed at the end of this fact sheet for further guidance and support...

Health Equity Fact Sheets
An addiction to opioids is called an opioid use disorder (OUD). Addiction can lead to you losing your job, hurting your relationships, and missing things that matter in your life. Opioids affect not only the reward system of the brain, they also impact br
Opioid Facts for Youth

Opioid Facts for Youth

An addiction to opioids is called an opioid use disorder (OUD). Addiction can lead to you losing your job, hurting your relationships, and missing things that matter in your life. Opioids affect not only the reward system of the brain, they also impact br...

Health Equity Fact Sheets
We provide a quick list of commonly asked questions about opioids for parents.
Opioid Fast Facts for Parents

Opioid Fast Facts for Parents

We provide a quick list of commonly asked questions about opioids for parents.

Health Equity Fact Sheets
We provide a quick list of commonly asked questions about opioids for parents.
Opioid Fast Facts for Parents

Opioid Fast Facts for Parents

We provide a quick list of commonly asked questions about opioids for parents.

Health Equity Fact Sheets
Over the past twenty years, opioid use during pregnancy has become much more common (Haight et al., 2018). Regardless of the nature of opioid use, it is important for pregnant women to know how opioid use can impact their pregnancy and what treatment opti
Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Pregnancy in Utah

Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Pregnancy in Utah

Over the past twenty years, opioid use during pregnancy has become much more common (Haight et al., 2018). Regardless of the nature of opioid use, it is important for pregnant women to know how opioid use can impact their pregnancy and what treatment opti...