Basic Crochet Slipper

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You will need:

  • 2 skeins worsted weight yarn
  • Crochet Hook size J (small), K (medium), or N (Large)
  • Gauge 6 sts = 2”
  • Chain 59. (Leave a long enough tail to sew the bottom seam).

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across (58 SC) ch 1, turn.

Row 2: Working in back loops, sc in first 25 sc, sc in both loops for 8 sc, sc in back loops of the last 25 sc. Ch 1, turn.(Sc in back loops through out, except for the middle 8 st)

Row 3-14: Repeat Row 2

Tie off. (Leave a long enough strand of yarn to sew up 15 stitches). With right sides together, sew the
bottom seam and tie off. Sew the first 15 stitches of the top seam together and tie off. Attach a double strand of yarn at the toe opening, gather up, pull tight, knot closed and weave in ends.

Cuff: Turn the slipper right side out. Attach yarn with a slip stitch to any sc.

Row 1: Ch 1, sc around. Join with a ss, ch 1, turn.

Rows 2 & 3: Working in back loop only, sc around, Join with ss, ch 1. Turn. At end of row 3, join with ss
and tie off



Debra G. Proctor, M.S., Wasatch County Extension Agent

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