Yankee Meadows Reservoir




Plate 1464X. Yankee Meadows Reservoir 1937 – 2007 Viewed northeast across Yankee Meadows Reservoir. Woody vegetation now blocks the original camera station, so the retake was made from the nearest open area. Conifers have increased, while aspen has declined. Many of the older spruce, though, were recently killed by insects and disease. A few aspen stands along the far shoreline regenerated 30 years ago when mule deer populations declined, but not before or since due to excessive ungulate herbivory (Kay and Bartos 2000).

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph (unnumbered) taken by R. Pragnell in November 1937; retake by Charles E. Kay on June 24, 2007 - - Photo No. 5818-34. Original photograph held by Southern Utah University Archives and Special Collections, Cedar City, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Conifer, Aspen


South West: Section 20, Range 8 West, Township 35 South; UTM 343500 E, 4179583 N; elevation 8,639 ft.

January 2018