Teeples Wash





Plate 113 TEEPLES WASH: 1945 - 1956 - 1999 The view is across the head of Teeples Wash just above Teeples Spring. The phot-set is similar to Plate 112 except that the photo point is higher on the hill. The area was contour trenched, gully-plugged, and reseeded by the Forest Service sometime after 1945. The tall herbaceous plant in the foreground of the 1999 photo is coneflower (Rudbeckia occidentalis), an indicator of past overgrazing. Aspen (Populus tremuloides) stands show little evidence of regenerating.

Photo Information:

1945 photo taken on Oct. 3 and 1956 taken on Sept. 26. by the U.S. Forest Service; 1999 photo is Kay #4493-17, taken on Sept. 5. Forest Service photos [2500A-83 and A-84- Erosion Effects] held by the Fillmore Ranger District, Fishlake national Forest, Fillmore, UT

Vegetative Community:

Aspen, Dry Meadow


South Central: North Fork of Chalk Creek, Fishlake National Forest, Fillmore Ranger District; T21S, R3W, Sect. 14, UTM 4316250 N, 400250 E; elevation 9,620 ft., viewed to northwest.

January 2018