Pine Hills




Plate 127X. Pine Hills 1921-2003 Viewed west-southwest from the western most Pine Hill across Coyote Hollow to Johnson Bench with Wilson Peak (9,034 ft.) on the right skyline. A juniper now blocks the original camera station, so the retake was made from a rock outcrop a few feet further south. The dead tree on the left in the original image has fallen, but the two logs seen in that photo are still present. Ponderosa pine, pinyon, and juniper have increased on the distant hillsides, while juniper, ponderosa pine, and greenleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos patula) have increased in the foreground. A few of the larger ponderosa seen in the original have been logged. Limber (P. flexilis) and bristlecone pine (P. longaeva) also grow on the Pine Hills, but neither species appears in this photoset.

Photo Information:

U.S. Geological Survey photograph taken by R.C. Moore (No. 199) in 1921; retake by Charles E. Kay on June 22, 2003 - - Photo No. 5164-19. Original photograph held by U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library, Denver, CO.

Vegetative Community:

Conifer, Pinyon, Juniper, Mountain Brush


South West: Section 3, Range 4 West, Township 36 South; UTM 392500E, 4173450 N; elevation 7,820 ft.

January 2018