Paria River




Plate 439X. Paria River 1918 – 2004 Viewed northwest up the Paria River from the old Paria townsite. The original camera station has been washed away, so the retake was made from the nearest open area on the old high bank. The floodplain is more heavily vegetated today than it was in the past, despite yearly livestock grazing. Cottonwood, willows, and arrowwood have increased, as has tamarisk and Russian olive. The active river channel has moved to the left. The area was actively being grazed by longhorn cattle in 2004.

Photo Information:

Original photograph taken by H.E. Gregory (No. 391) in 1918; retake by Charles E. Kay on May 15, 2004 - - Photo No. 5305-21A. Original photograph held by the U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library, Denver, CO.

Vegetative Community:



South West: Section 18, Range 1 West, Township 41 South; UTM 415500 E, 4122900 N; elevation 4,740 ft.

January 2018