Lower Zion Canyon




Plate 1203X. Lower Zion Canyon 1872 – 2006 Viewed south down the Virgin River in Zion National Park. The photopoint is about 100 feet below the diversion dam for the eastside ditch. The Watchman (6,545 ft) dominates the skyline. Pinyon and juniper have increased. Cottonwoods have matured but today there is little regeneration due to eXcessive browsing of seedlings by an unnatural concentration of mule deer (Ripple and Beschta 2006). As seen in the 1872 image, however, cottonwood seedlings and saplings were once common along this section of the Virgin River.

Photo Information:

Original photograph taken by John Hillers (No. 75) in 1872; retake by Charles E. Kay on June 6, 2006 - - Photo No. 5638-23. Original photograph held by the U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library, Denver, CO.

Vegetative Community:

Pinyon, Juniper, Riparian


South West: Section 22, Range 10 West, Township 41 South; UTM 324750 E, 4120300 N; elevation 4,000 ft.

January 2018