Lower Bear Valley




Plate 1299X. Lower Bear Valley 1924 – 2006 Viewed southwest up Lower Bear Valley. Pinyon and juniper now block the original camera station, so the retake was made from the nearest open area. Despite the fact that much of the area has been treated to eliminate woody vegetation, pinyon and juniper have increased. A new road has been built up the valley.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph (197321) taken by Martin on November 11, 1924; retake by Charles E. Kay on June 27, 2006 - - Photo No. 5679-3. Original photograph (2310 – Dixie – 129) held in the U.S. Forest Service Regional Office Photographic Collection housed at Weber State University, Ogden, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Pinyon, Juniper


South West: Section 22, Range 6 West, Township 32 South; UTM 366450 E, 4207750 N; elevation 7,200 ft.

January 2018