Kane Mountain




Plate 705X. Kane Mountain 1962 – 2004 In 1962 one pellet group transect, one utilization transect, and two Parker Three-Step Transects were established by the Forest Service on Kane Mountain, about one mile west of Old Irontown, to monitor range conditions. Plate 705x is viewed north at the start of the pellet group transect. Cliff rose has increased and today those plants are not as heavily browsed as they were in the past. Mountain big sage has increased as have pinyon, juniper, and cactus. This is an important mule deer wintering area. Grasses include squirreltail, galleta, and cheatgrass.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph (unnumbered) taken by Ivan R. Thornton on November 16, 1962; retake by Darrell McMahon on July 29, 2004 - - Photo No. DM-30-29. Original photographs, negatives, and narrative reports held in the range files on the St. George Ranger District, Dixie National Forest, St. George, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Mountain Brush, Sagebrush, Pinyon, Juniper


South West: Section 7, Range 14 West, Township 37 South; UTM 282482 E, 4164380 N; elevation 5,875 ft.

January 2018