Johnson Valley Reservoir




Plate 83. JOHNSON VALLEY RESERVOIR: 1962 - 1999 Utah Highway 25 was realigned and paved prior to 1999, and random camping was eliminated after the Forest Service built several modern campgrounds in the area. The reservoir pool height was increased by reconstruction of the dam existing in 1962. The 1962 photos were taken during late fall when aspen (Populus tremuloides) was leafless. Most of the aspen shown in 1999 were heavily invaded by conifers and do not appear to be regenerating. Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) was not as abundant in 1999 as in 1962.

Photo Information:

1962 photo was taken by the U.S. Forest Service; 1999 photo is Kay #4465-14, taken on Aug. 11. Forest Service photo held by the Loa Ranger District, Fishlake National Forest, Loa, UT

Vegetative Community:

Aspen, Conifer, Sagebrush


South Central: Fishlake National Forest, Loa Ranger District, T25S, R2E, Sect. 23, UTM 4274100 N, 443000 E; elevation 8,860 ft., viewed to southeast.

January 2018