Johnson Valley Reservoir




Plate 78. JOHNSON VALLEY RESERVOIR: 1953 - Aspen (Populus tremuloides) increased in height between 1953 and 1999, but most stands became heavily invaded by conifers and lack aspen regeneration. The dam was rebuilt before 1999, which raised the pool height and expanded the size of the reservoir (see Plates 83-85).

Photo Information:

1953 photo is U.S. Forest Service #476200 taken on Aug. 12; 1999 photo is Kay #4459-24, taken on Aug. 11. Forest Service photo [2540-2-Municipal Supply Watersheds] held by the Forest Service Regional Office Photographic Collection housed at Weber State Univ. Ogden, UT

Vegetative Community:

Aspen, Conifer, Riparian


South Central: Fishlake National Forest, Loa Ranger District, T25S, R2E, Sect. 26, UTM 4273400 N, 443150 E; elevation 8,900 ft., viewed to southwest. According to the GIS Coordinator on the Fishlake, your UTM coordinates puts Plates 78-82 in Range 2E, Sect. 26.

January 2018