



Plate 92. FISHLAKE: 1965 - 1999 Plates 92 and 93 form a panoramic view of Fishlake as seen from the south end of Mytoge Mountain. This view takes in the south end of Fish Lake and shows the “Pando” aspen (Populus tremuloides) clone – reputedly the largest known living organism on Earth. This and other aspen clones have deteriorated over the years and have not regenerated. Also visible in the 1999 photo is a 5 acre clearcut in the Pando clone that has not regenerated, except where wild ungulates (primarily mule deer) were excluded by a high fence. Part of the cliff face in the foreground fell during the time interval between the two photos. Fishlake Hightop Plateau is visible behind the lake.

Photo Information:

1965 photo was taken by the U.S. Forest Service; 1999 photo is Kay #4467-30, taken on Aug. 12. Forest Service photo held by the Loa Ranger District, Fishlake National Forest, Loa, UT

Vegetative Community:

Sagebrush, Conifer, Riparian


South Central: Mytoge Mountain, Fishlake National Forest, Loa Ranger District, T26S, R2E, Sect. 29, UTM 4263400 N, 436800 E; elevation 9,600 ft., viewed to southwest.

January 2018