Dameron Hollow




Plate 166 DAMERON HOLLOW: 1941 - 1999 This is on the Dameron winter range south of Kanosh. The 1941 photo was taken to document over-browsing by mule deer on cliffrose (Cowania stansburiana). Deer had denuded this cliffrose plant as high as the animals could reach. In 1999 pinyon (Pinus edulis) and juniper (Juniperus sp.) blocked the original camera station necessitating a slightly different perspective. The area was still heavily used by deer in 1999 and was also grazed by cattle. Both pinyon and juniper appear to have increased over the years. Black Rock Volcano is visible in the right upper-center of the photo.

Photo Information:

1941 photo #407330 taken by the Forest Service on April 20; 1999 photo taken by Kay #4508-19 on Sept. 10. 1941 photo [2200-Fishlake-33] held by the Forest Service Regional Office Photographic Collection housed at Weber State Univ., Ogden, UT; and by the Fillmore Ranger District [see file 2620 on Dameron Canyon Exclosure], Fishlake National Forest, Fillmore, UT

Vegetative Community:

Mountain Brush, Pinyon, Juniper


South Central: Adjacent to Fishlake National Forest, Fillmore Ranger District; T23S, R6W, Sect. 35, UTM 4291400 N, 370850 E; elevation 5,520 ft., viewed to northeast.

January 2018