Cyclone Lake




Plate 73X. Cyclone Lake 1969-2002 Viewed southeast across Cyclone Lake. The lake level has fallen due to the extended drought that has gripped southern Utah for several years. Cattle had heavily grazed the lakeshore vegetation in 2002. There has been no aspen regeneration for many years and all aspen stands have been heavily invaded by conifers, primarily spruce. Willows across the lake show little apparent change. They were heavily browsed in 1969 and they are heavily browsed today. The shrub in the foreground is silver sage (Artemisia cana).

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph (unnumbered) taken by G. Richardson in August 1969; retake by Charles E. Kay on July 11, 2002 - - Photo No. 4978-34. Original photograph held by U.S. Forest Service Regional Photographic Collection (2630-Dixie-A1850) housed at Weber State University, Ogden, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Conifer, Aspen, Riparian, Sagebrush


South West: Section 31, Range 2 East, Township 32 South; UTM 437050E 4204250N; elevation 9,870 ft.

January 2018