Coyote Hollow




Plate 128X. Coyote Hollow 1934-2003 Viewed southwest across Coyote Hollow with Wilson Peak (9,034 ft.) on the right-center skyline. All the ponderosa or yellow pine originally in the foreground have been logged, so the camera station for the retake could only be approximated. Nonetheless, the number of ponderosa and juniper has actually increased. Pinyon, juniper, and ponderosa pine have also increased on the distant hillsides. Sagebrush in the foreground, however, appears to have declined, though, that may be related to disturbance associated with removal of the original pines.

Photo Information:

U.S. Geological Survey photograph taken by H.E. Gregory (No. 742) in 1934; retake by Charles E. Kay on June 23, 2003 - - Photo No. 5164-24. Original photograph held by U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library, Denver, CO.

Vegetative Community:

Conifer, Pinyon, Juniper, Sagebrush


South West: Section 34, Range 4 West, Township 35 South; UTM 392500E, 4174300 N; elevation 7,770 ft.

January 2018