Chalk Creek




Plate 268. CHALK CREEK 1959-2000 Viewed west down the South Fork of Chalk Creek during construction of USFS Road 100. The original was taken early in the spring and oakbrush, maple, and other shrubs had not yet leafed-out. Nevertheless, pinyon-juniper has increased, as have curlleaf mountain mahogany and other shrubs. In addition, the road-cuts have naturally revegetated.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photo (unnumbered) by Grant Williams early in 1959; retake by Charles E. Kay on August 6, 2000 - - Photo No. 4676-8; Original photo (7000 F-Road Construction) held by Fillmore Ranger District, Fishlake National Forest, Fillmore, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Riparian, Pinyon, Juniper, Mountain Brush


South Central: Section 5, Range 3 W, Township 22 S; UTM 395200 E, 4309100 N; elevation 6,800 ft.

January 2018