Assay Bench Exclosure




Plate 959X. Assay Bench Exclosure 1961 – 2005 The Assay Bench exclosure is located just to the south of Assay Knoll. The exclosure was built in 1960 and is of a three-part design. One part is fenced to exclude livestock but to allow access by wildlife, primarily mule deer and elk, while a second part is fenced to exclude both livestock and wildlife. A third, unfenced part is grazed by both livestock, deer, and elk. By measuring vegetation in the three-parts of the exclosure, grazing impacts from livestock can be separated from those of wildlife (Kay and Bartos 2000). Plate 959x is viewed southeast to the livestock exclusion part of the exclosure; i.e., the low fence keeps livestock from entering but allows wildlife to graze inside this part of the exclosure. Ponderosa pine has increased despite the fact that many of the larger trees in the 1961 image have been logged. Juniper has also increased, as have Utah serviceberry, bitterbrush, mountain big sage, green rabbitbrush, currant, and snowberry. This has occurred both inside and outside the exclosure, which shows little impact by either livestock or wildlife. Neither the foreground or the exclosure have been treated. Stipa spp. is the most common grass.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph (unnumbered) taken by R. Thomson on May 29, 1961; retake by Charles E. Kay on July 30, 2005 - - Photo No. 5490-2A. Original photographs, negatives, and narrative reports held in the range files on the Cedar City Ranger District, Dixie National Forest, Cedar City, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Conifer, Juniper, Mountain Brush, Sagebrush


South West: Section 31, Range 6 West, Township 37 South; UTM of the exclosure 361800 E, 4156600 N; elevation 7,920 ft.

January 2018