Annie Laurie Mine




Plate 319. ANNIE LAURIE MINE TUSHER MOUNTAINS 1890-2001 Viewed southwest up the Middle Fork of Mill Creek to the Annie Laurie Mine at Kimberly in the Tusher Mountains - - this is similar to Plate 165. The original camera station could not be reoccupied due to vegetative regrowth, so the perspective in the retake is slightly different. Nevertheless, the changes have been dramatic. Conifers have increased in height, numbers, and density, while aspen has increased in height, but has not regenerated since mining activity stopped. Most aspen stands have also been heavily invaded by conifers. This area naturally revegetated, as the mine was abandoned prior to today’s reclamation standards.

Photo Information:

Original photo from the 1992 Fishlake National Forest Historical Calendar prepared by the Fishlake Discovery Association; retake by Charles E. Kay on August 10, 2001 - - Photo No. 4871-15; Location of original photo unknown.

Vegetative Community:

Aspen, Conifer


South Central: Section 2, Range 5 W, Township 27 S; UTM 378700 E, 4261200 N; elevation 8,480 ft.

January 2018