Opioid Overdose Prevention, Harm Reduction, Treatment, and Recovery Resources


Naloxone is a medication that is used to reverse overdoses from opioids including prescription opioids (Oxycontin, Percocet, Vicodin, etc.), fentanyl, heroin, and others. The most common form of Naloxone is Narcan® which is the nasal spray version of the medication. We encourage everyone to obtain and understand how to use Naloxone/Narcan® to save lives. Please use the resources below to obtain more information.

Naloxone/Narcan® Resources

Video on how to administer Narcan®

Utah Department of Health & Human Services- Website provides educational materials and links on how to access Naloxone/Narcan across the state.

Utah Naloxone- A statewide organization providing training and access to naloxone/Narcan.

Narcan- This is the website from the manufacture of Narcan and provides educational information and resources on how to purchase Narcan.

Key Harm Reduction Strategies

Harm Reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with substance use such as infections and death. We understand that not all people are ready to enroll in treatment. Therefore, we promote ways to make substance use safer and connect them to resources until they are ready.

Key Strategies

  • Don’t mix substances- only use one type of substance at a time. Mixing opioids with alcohol, crystal meth, cocaine, xylazine or other substances increases the risk of overdose and death.
  • Never use alone- using substance alone greatly increases your risk of death because there is no one to help in case of overdose or other emergencies. Visit the Never Use Alone website or Call 1-877-696-1996 to have an operator to monitor your use and call EMS if you stop responding.
  • Lacing is Common- Assume all street substances are laced with fentanyl even if that substance is not an opioid. This includes crystal meth, cocaine, marijuana, MDMA, and others. Fentanyl has flooded the illicit drug supply and is commonly added to other substances. Due to this fact, always carry Narcan® and know how to use it. You can also obtain fentanyl test strips to test your substances before use.
  • Syringe Exchange-Several counties in Utah provide clean syringes to people who inject substances. This reduces the risk for infections and other adverse health outcomes. Visit the Utah Harm Reduction Coalition website for more information.

Harm Reduction Resources

National Harm Reduction Coalition

Utah Harm Reduction Coalition


There are several effective forms of treatment available for substance use disorders. This includes use of medications, therapy, support groups, and others. Find a path that works for you by exploring the links below.


USARA – Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness

Utah Region Narcotics Anonymous

SMART Recovery