County and Personal Calendar Instructions


County Program Tracker

This is the only scheduling system that has a requirement by the state office on what is needed. 

The Excel document is very clear on the details needed for each of the following categories: 

  • Direct Education Classes (both open and closed)
  • PSE or Other Events 

 County Program Tracker (Excel Document)


County Outlook Calendar

This is a collaborative calendar for the county team. Supervisors should discuss with the county team to decide on what items you would like to see on this calendar where everyone is able to see.  

Some possible items you may want to include: 

  • Scheduled grocery shopping trips (to minimize number of trips being made) 
  • Class schedules 
  • Vacation leave planned (to help you know who is in the office) 
  • County staff meetings 
  • Scheduled office hours at the Extension office 

 How to view your County Outlook Calendar:  

  • Go to Outlook Calendar
  • Along the right side on the web version and by clicking on the image next to the month on the app version, you will see your calendars. Select your county’s calendar. This will allow you to view and add items to the calendar that will be shared with your team. 

Personal Outlook Calendar

This is your own personal calendar to help keep track of meetings and to aid in planning out your work day, while using your own organizational systems.   

Some possible items to include:  

  • Statewide staff meetings and in-services 
  • Individual or One-on-One meetings with supervisor or state office staff 
  • Daily and weekly work schedule 
  • Daily and weekly reminders (send in evaluation paperwork, add events, or classes to spreadsheet, etc.)


For additional information, please contact Kristin Hoch