4-H Goat Program

Girl with prized boatGoats have a unique personality and are a great animal for youth to raise. The Davis County 4-H Goat Program has become the largest 4-H Goat Program in the State of Utah. Youth ages 8 to 18 raise market (meat) goats (breeds include Boer and Kiko), dairy goats (breeds include Saanen, Nubian, Alpine, Toggenburg), and pet goats (breeds include Pygmy and Nigerian dwarfs).

Youth have the opportunity to raise their goat projects throughout the year and then exhibit them at the Davis County Fair in August and the Utah State Fair in September. Davis County also has the only 4-H Pack Goat Program and Obstacle Course for Goats in Utah.

 *Please note that in most instances you need to have land available in order to have a 4-H Goat Project.

Goat Resources

Goat Club Curriculum 

girl leading goat down rampOfficial Davis County Goat Show Rules

  • All Livestock to be shown at the County Fair must be in possession of the owner at least 60 days prior to the show date. 
  • All Market Animals must be tagged no later than 60 days prior to the County Fair.
  • All animals participating in any 4-H county show must be either tagged or identified by tattoo.  The show committee reserves the right to randomly check and compare the tag or tattoo numbers of any animal with entry, to prove ownership and or correctness of entry information.
  • No horns will be allowed in any dairy, market goat or pet classes at any county 4-H show.  Scurs are allowed if it is obvious that effort has been made to remove or disbud the animal and it provides no harm to exhibitor, other livestock or patrons of the show.
  • Dairy goats include all recognized American Dairy Goat Breeds and include Alpine, Lamancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, and Toggenburg, as well as, mixtures of these breeds. Dairy animals that have been bred with or are a mixture of dairy and any meat goat breeds are considered a meat goat crosses and must be shown with meat goat breeding stock. Miniatures of the above breeds will show with their full size counterparts.  (Miniatures are full sized dairy goats bred with Nigerian Dwarfs only, to create a miniature such as miniature Alpine, miniature Nubian, etc.) Dairy goats bred with other breeds will be considered meat goats or pet goats based on the breeding and use of the animal.  Dairy animals will be shown according to age and breed as need occurs and will be determined by the show committee, which includes: the Goat Council Officers and the County Extension Agent.
  • A market goat includes any animal that is intended for consumption by others and may or may not be sold at the Livestock Auction.  They must be under 12 months of age, raised and prepared for show by the exhibitor.  Any animal not raised and or prepared by exhibitor may be excused from the show. Market animals do not have to be sold at auction in order to be purchased by floor buyer.
  • Pet goats include any goat that is kept entirely for pleasure and is not used for the production of milk or meat and may include does and wethers. Pet classes will be shown by age with no distinction between breeds unless need arises, which will be determined by the show committee, which includes: the Goat Council Officers and County Extension Agent.
  • Horns will be allowed on meat goat breeding stock only, both bucks and does, and any animals entered in the working goat classes. 
  • Meat goat breeding stock refers to and can include boer, pygmy, dairy crosses, and or any other animal used for raising or production of goat meat products. Meat Goat animals will be shown by age with no distinction between breeds unless need arises, which will be determined by the show committee, which includes: the Goat Council Officers and the County Extension Agent.
  • Working class animals include any goat of any age that has been raised and trained for work such as; pack and cart animals.  They can be of any breed and will be shown by age.  Animal will be judged by ability with some consideration taken for age and maturity of the animal.
  • The Goat Council Officers and County Extension Agent reserve the right to dismiss any animals that appear to be unhealthy or pose any undue harm or risk to exhibitors, livestock, or patrons of the show, as well as, animals that do not conform to the rules of the show.

two girls showing goatsDavis County Fair Goat Show Classes

CLASS 1 - SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES:   (Classes as of 4-H Rules)

  • Class 1A – 8 to 10 years of age  (Junior)
  • Class 1B – 11 to 13 years of age  (Intermediate)
  • Class 1C – 14 to 18 years of age  (Senior)


Market goats will be broken into 3 weight classes.  Classes will be determined after weight in as to create 3 class of approximate equal size.  The 2 top placements in each class will return for Grand and Reserve Championship class.


  • Class 3A - Under 12 months
  • Class 3B - 12 months to under 2 years
  • Class 3C - 2 years to under 4 years
  • Class 3D - 4 years and over. 

*The top 2 placings from each class will return for Grand and Reserve Championship class.


There will be a champion and Reserve Champion Boar Buck.


  • Class 5A – Junior Kids born ____
  • Class 5B – Intermediate Kids born _______
  • Class 5C – Senior Kids born _______
  • Class 5D - Dry Yearlings born __________

*The top 2 placings from each class will return for Grand and Reserve Championship class.


  • Class 6A - under 2 years
  • Class 6B - 2 years to under 4 years
  • Class 6C - 4 years and over

*Dry  milking does will show with their respective age classes.
*The top 2 placings from each class will return for Grand and Reserve Championship class.


There will be a champion and Reserve Champion Dairy Buck.


  • Class 8A - Under 12 months
  • Class 8B - 12 months to under 2 years
  • Class 8C - 4 years and over

*The top 2 placing for each class will return for Grand and Reserve Championship class AOB

CLASS 9 – Working Class

  • Class 9A – Goats under 4 years of age
  • Class 9B – Goats 4 and over
girl showing a goat

*These classes will be judged based on the age and skill of the animal and the length of participation of the handler.

CLASS 10 – Born and Bred

  • Class 10a – Boer Goats
  • Class 10b – Dairy Goats

Two Animals per class only! Please remember any animal that is shown must have been in the possession of the exhibitor at least 60 days prior to the show or the exhibit will be disqualified.